128. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida1

47076. On 14 April, ODACID informed all West European Stations2 (summary follows):

ODACID increasingly concerned WSBURNT frantic efforts obtain arms and evade ODYOKE embargo by purchasing European market. Such arms may be used to counterbalance anti-Communist elements WSBURNT army or against neighbors. Current tension from KMFLUSH developments may create opportunity for above.
To define ODYOKE position to all govts and supplement previous statements to various govts, notify appropriate govt officials of ODACID concern this situation for free world and ask for their views what prompt measures necessary to control export and transit of arms to check clandestine delivery to WSBURNT. But stress on ODACID desire for “active cooperation” in view danger of undue WSBURNT strength in currently unstable area if such arms obtained.

  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 8, Folder 10. Secret; Routine; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by [name not declassified], cleared by King, and approved by J. D. Esterline.
  2. Telegram 323, April 14; for text, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. IV, pp. 1098-1099 (Document 24).