107. Memorandum to Robert Ford of the Central Intelligence Agency1
- Brief for [name not declassified] so that he can include the information in his next letter to RUFUS
The Group is much disturbed over the relationship, and RUFUS’ lack of cooperation with Andres. Andres has been able to see RUFUS but once since 4 February and then only for a short period of time.
RUFUS must co-operate fully, remembering that Andres is the Group’s representative in the field. In order for the Group and [name not declassified] to keep informed on what is going on, it is imperative for RUFUS to keep Andres fully informed so that he in turn can notify [name not declassified] and the Group, of any and all new developments.
The Group and [name not declassified] will not be able to coordinate any aspect of the operation if RUFUS is acting on his own without notifying [name not declassified] and the Group.
Only this week RUFUS sent sensitive material to [name not declassified] via his own courier. This is exactly one of the things security-wise the Group is trying to correct. Three failures in the past were probably [Page 206] caused by insecure methods of operation, and definitely the recent “White Paper” was the result of an insecure courier.
If the Group is going to continue lending aid to the Junta, the Group will definitely not permit what has caused failure in the past to continue in the future. The Group wants to aid the operation but does not want to see it fail again because of the same old reasons of insecure means of operation and lack of coordination between the Junta and the Group.
The Group realizes that RUFUS has a tremendous job and is extremely busy, but he can never allow himself to be so busy as to be insecure and not to keep [name not declassified] and the Group, who are trying to help him, and supporting him, fully informed of all his actions and developments in the field. Because RUFUS is so busy, it is impossible for him to devote necessary time to details; and that is exactly where Andres, [name not declassified] and the Group can help him and advise him, provided they are kept fully informed.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 143, Folder 4. No classification marking. A handwritten note on the memorandum reads: “Passed to [name not declassified] on 27 Feb 54. R.F.” The memorandum was presumably prepared at PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.↩