Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 177: Telegram

The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

secret   priority

C–60530. For info CINCUNC Adv msg HNC 691.

“Sub-delegation item 4 met 1100. An early remark by Gen Lee which appeared to be a repudiation of his previous agreement to provide data on all POWs held at any time touched off a discussion which occupied most of the day. At its conclusion, it was not entirely clear as to whether or not he would provide the required data. Following this sequence Lee charged UNC with evading the discussion of his proposal to release all POW in the custody of both sides following the signing of the armistice. UNC replied that it had been discussing the principle for days on the basis of the data which had been exchanged; that on this basis the proposal was dishonest and inequitable. It asserted that it was exploring all avenues in an effort to find a means of making the proposal more acceptable. Lee disregarded several [Page 1473] opportunities which were offered him to discuss the question of civilians in response to the trial balloon sent up yesterday by the UNC. Recessed 1630 to resume 1100 tomorrow.

Comment: Pointed lack of response to UNC trial balloon on civilians led sub-delegates to conclusion that further advance in this direction today would be premature. The subject will be raised again tomorrow. If Communists indicate agreement in principle that civilians be permitted to return to their former homes under the armistice, UNC proposal on release and exchange will be introduced. Signed Joy.”