795.00/12–1251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

top secret

2931. Re Embtel 2709 Dec 12. Secy today discussed UK reply with Brit Amb along fol lines:

We feel that it will be possible to work out language of statement within framework of UK alternative suggestion for last para and will shortly furnish UK our suggestions in this regard. Our prin difficulty with UK suggestion is centered around word “might” in last sentence as we feel it important the Commies understand that in event of renewal of attack we wld not regard ourselves to be under any compulsions to confine the hostilities to Korea as heretofore.
We do not feel that situation with respect to inspection in Korea presents alternatives set forth in para 3 and 4 of the FonOff memo. The choice as we view it as a practical matter is not between alternatives of satis inspection arrangements and a statement. Even the best inspection arrangements we are likely to achieve in the armistice negots will still subj UN forces to grave danger of an attack in overwhelming force presented by the 800,000 odd Commie troops already in Korea plus whatever they build up in the way of additional ground and air strength in the Manchurian border area whose introduction into Korea will be facilitated by the rehabilitation of transportation and other facilities in North Korea. Therefore we consider that situation [Page 1332] will require a statement along lines now under discussion regardless of extent of inspection upon which it will be possible to achieve agreement present armistice negots.
We concur it is not now possible reach agreement with UK on the precise course of action which will be taken if the aggression is renewed. This means that UK is not obligated at this time take any particular action and that US is not committed not to take any particular action. FYI it is particularly important that there be no commitment on the part of the US to obtain UK concurrence prior to taking action.

Request you discuss foregoing with Eden at earliest opportunity.
