Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 53: Telegram

The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

operational immediate

C–59096. For info CINCUNC Adv msg HNC 531

“Sub-Delegation meeting opened 11001 with Lee inquiring regard neutral organ proposal. UNC responded with statement (Par 3, HNC 530)2 advocating immediate initiation of Sub-Delegation talks on item 4 of agenda. Lee replied he would transmit statement to his [Page 1298] senior delegate,3 then repeated his question regarding neutral organ, charging UNC delayed discussion of item 3 by failing to answer. UNC replied question of neutral organ is under active consideration, answer would be given in due time. UNC inquired if Communists had anything new to propose. Communists answered no. UNC recommended recess until following day. Lee upbraided UNC for failing to answer his question on neutral organ. Lee referred to free inspection of the rear areas, prohibition of increase of facilities and withdrawal from islands as unreasonable demands of UNC. Neutral nations representatives only may inspect rear areas, said Lee, asking UNC opinion on these points. UNC pointed out many unsettled points were not related to question of neutral organ, not dependent upon method of observation adopted. Recessed 1140. Meeting continue tomorrow 1100. Signed Joy.”

  1. Reference is to the meeting of December 10.
  2. Dated December 9, p. 1288.
  3. Telegram HNC 534, December 11, conveyed the following message from Admiral Joy to General Ridgway:

    “1. As a result of statement (HNC 530) transmitted at meeting 10 Dec, the Communists have been forced to agree to a meeting of sub-delegations on agenda item 4 at 1300I this date.

    “2. Admiral Libby, Colonel Hickman with staff officers and assistants will represent UNC.” (Black Book, Tab 56)