Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 38: Telegram
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President 1
top secret
operational immediate
operational immediate
Washington, 7 December
1951—8:17 p. m.
JCS–89114. From JCS. Req Presidential approval of folg proposed msg to CINCFE, approved by JCS, Sec Def and State:
1. Reur CX 58838,2 JCS consider that there are 4 basic issues remaining to be resolved in order to obtain agreement on item 3:
- A.
- No increase in present str levels and equipment stocks versus no introduction of personnel and equipment under any pretext.
- B.
- Rehabilitation of facilities, particularly airfields.
- C.
- Status of offshore islands.
- D.
- Neutral observer teams versus Jt teams composed of belligerents and relationship of any such teams to MAC.
2. On above issues JCS hold folg views and you will be guided by them:
- A.
- Rotation must be permitted; accordingly, your present position should be your final position.
- B.
- As a final position you should withdraw objection to rehabilitation of facilities other than airfields. (If and when rehabilitation of airfields becomes last obstacle to an armistice, refer matter to Wash.)
- C.
- As a final position you should agree to withdraw from Korean Islands generally north of demarcation line extended.
- D.
- As a final position you should agree to neutral observer teams composed of personnel of nations whose armed forces are not participating in Korean War, and mutually agreed to by both sides; however, these teams must be responsible to, and subject to direction and supervision of MAC.