320/11–2251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State


Delga 294. Gadel 159, Nov 15. Re Korean troops.

Study being given most effective procedures for stressing continuing need additional UN troops Korea. USDel greatly concerned this issue, desires afford all possible assistance and take positive action maximum extent feasible keeping in mind basic considerations Gadel 60, Nov 4.

For informal discussions this problem other dels to be effective, USDel needs latest info present status bilateral negots and offers [Page 1162] already made, also indication from Dept on what other dels here it is desirable approach and forces sought in each case.

Position paper AMC does not cover question obtaining additional forces, including timing of pacing possible AMC action on additional troops with bilateral approaches.

For general recommendations offered: (1) As soon as info on present status bilateral negots recd. USDel shld stress informally in general terms with appropriate friendly dels need additional forces whenever opportunity offers and discuss problem in more specific terms with selected dels also informally; (2) USDel shld make strong reference need of additional forces Korea during debate CMC, statement to be so phrased as to maintain clear distinction between Korean case and future planning task CMC; (3) USDel shld proceed at earliest moment Dept regards appropriate discuss informally with chairman and selected members AMC question timing request AMC for additional UN forces.1

  1. For the reply to this message, see telegram Gadel 350, December 5, to Paris, p. 1248.