741.022/1–1151: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State

top secret

3864. Embtel 3858, January 11. Further on Prime Ministers’ conference on Korea.

1. UKUN and other Commonwealth delegates instructed work for securing consideration principles of Cease Fire Committee revised on following lines:

Begin with point one (cease-fire).
Revise point five to set up appropriate body including US, UK, USSR, CPG with view to achieving settlement in Far East in conformity with UN Charter and existing international obligations (including reference to Cairo declaration), considering inter alia Formosa and Chinese representation in UN. This body to be as small as possible. Word “body” substituted for “committee” to make it easier procedurally for UN to set up group including CPG.
Delegates in New York to do drafting. Left to Jebb’s discretion arrange whether UN should (1) table principles, contact CPG, pass resolution or (2) table principles, pass resolution and then contact CPG.
Re cease-fire, no one contemplates talks proceeding while fighting in progress. If cease-fire and appointment of body both included in principles tabled at UN, not necessary cease-fire should precede appointment of body. In other words, securing agreement of all powers concerned to sit down at table and cease-fire can take place simultaneously.

2. Background these decisions follows. Since original cease-fire principles known to be unacceptable to CPG on basis Panikkar’s conversation of January 4 it was believed necessary revise principles lest CPG consider them a trap. Also felt necessary get US support, not merely acquiescence, these new proposals in order get CPG agree to discussions. All Prime Ministers feel no strong condemnatory resolution vs. CPG should be passed until all are morally certain every effort possible made to get CPG around conference table. All Prime Ministers felt no condemnatory resolutions should be passed until full consequences of such action explored with US.
