711.551/4–1251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

secret   priority

4734. For Ambassador. Dept has noted last sentence ur 5406 Apr 12 to effect MacArthur’s dismissal has removed important irritant to Anglo-Amer relations even though policy differences re FE remain.1 We feel that your statement exactly sums up situation. Moreover, believe this may be critical period Anglo-Amer relations re FE.

It is important Brit do not regard MacArthur action as appeasement toward their point of view or as appeasement toward Chi Commies. If Brit react either above ways their position FE questions likely become even firmer.

On contrary, is most important Brit view MacArthur action as removal of irritant, removal cause of suspicion and apprehension and in general as clarification of atmosphere which shld result UK being in position to support or at least acquiesce in certain US FE policies which thus far Brit have adamantly opposed. Stated another way, now is time for us “cash in” on new situation arising because of removal of MacArthur from scene. In this connection most important for Brit to understand this does not mean change in our position vis-à-vis Chi Commies which if changed in any way will be in direction of increased firmness.

Dept realizes new situation probably not sufficiently powerful bring about complete change on part UK re FE policy. Dept does feel, however, that on selective basis progress shld be made and suggests for [Page 353] moment concentrating on obtaining Brit support our proposal UN Additional Measures Comite on econ sanctions and that Brit relax present position that Chi Commies be represented Jap Treaty negots.

FYI Some adjustment UK position FE may be especially timely from their own view inasmuch we have indications that in Congressional debates over MacArthur Brit FE policy may [be] prominently brought into debate. Brit will doubtless be charged fol policy appeasement in FE.

Above furnished you for background guidance for talks key UK officials this issue. General line re significance MacArthur removal may also be used discreetly in public and press relations.

  1. Telegram 5406, not printed, reported that the news of the President’s decision with respect to General MacArthur had been extremely well received in the United Kingdom, particularly by the Labor Party (711.551/4–1251).