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The Ambassador in Italy (Dunn) to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1
606. Govt leaders, civilian and mil, and most of intellectual Itals have instinctive recognition of security threat to Western Eur and Italy in particular (urtel 446, June 42). Reaction to this recognition varies but insofar as gen public is concerned, it is generally passive except at times of crisis such as Czechoslovakia and Korea. Most leaders however are keenly aware of continuing threat and are doing utmost to educate public opinion. Preoccupied with fears of inflation and need for large scale expenditures for social reforms, some economic ministers still do not have full appreciation of urgency of def preparations.
[Page 618]Nature of threat and resulting necessity NAT and Ital def effort has been one of principal themes of current municipal election campaign. It has been emphasized in major speeches of De Gasperi and other govt party leaders. Commies on other hand stress, not without some success, “peace,” absence of any real threat to Italy, and advantage of “neutrality”.
Effect of Gen Eisenhower’s appt and stationing of additional US troops in Eur as evidence we intend defend Eur and not just liberate it, have had incalculable effect in boosting morale and in helping govt sell Itals on worthwhileness of def effort.
Natl morale is slowly being raised in direct proportion to improvements in equipment and training of Ital forces. Confidence is slowly being established that Eur forces and additional US forces being sent to Eur will be capable of effective resistance to aggression.
Informational activities have chiefly taken form of speeches by natl leaders, especially during parliamentary debates on additional def appropriation and during current election campaign. Civic comite org, which is polit expression of powerful church affiliated “Catholic Action,” has been very active in election campaign in exposing Commie frauds, defending NAT and need for def program.
Democratic parties and orgs vigorously attacked and dramatized Commie threat in election poster campaign. Min of Def and other high officials participated in ceremonies on occasion arrivals important MDAP equipment such as tanks and destroyer escorts and these events well publicized.
Ital Communism has in recent local elections shown power to retain and slightly increase voting strength of itself and captive Socialist Party headed by Nenni. Together they are still able obtain about one third of total vote. Recent campaign was, however, fought by Commies on local issues and long-standing grievances which wld operate under present conditions in Italy against any govt, as well as on “peace,” opposition to rearming, etc. Apart from vote-getting power, Ital Communism is weaker on all grounds. It does not have exclusive control over organized labor which it had three years ago; it has lost ability to call out even its own followers for large-scale polit strikes; for subversive purposes it is very markedly weaker in relation to strengthened and improved natl police forces; and it is tending to lose support from intellectuals (e.g., defections of Cucchi and Magnani, etc.).