No. 24

ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris: Telegram

The Assistant Administrator for Programs, ECA ( Porter), to the Administrator for Economic Cooperation ( Foster)1
plain   priority

Repto circ 116. Text Foster statement OEEC manifesto for release 0100 hours GMT August 31 follows:

“The August 30 declaration by the European Ministers is a heartening and stimulating development. It reflects the mounting confidence and determination of the free nations of Europe to do what is needed to safeguard peace and freedom. It demonstrates that the European Ministers, while aware of the difficulties and problems ahead, will act positively to solve them now rather than let them become road blocks to future progress.

I am not surprised at the hopeful and determined mood which it expresses. The high level of recovery which the European nations have achieved with the aid of the Marshall Plan has laid a foundation of economic strength on which they may build sound defenses against aggression and, in the near future, improve the living standards of all.

The Ministers have stressed the great economic potential of Europe. They have correctly identified the real answer to many of Europe’s difficulties—to expand production and to increase productivity. They have courageously set for themselves an ambitious and concrete production deal, to expand their total production output by 25 percent in the next 5 years.

The effort to increase production rapidly in Europe depends of course on major further progress toward economic unification and the pooling of European resources. The crippling effects on production of national trade barriers and cartels need to be eliminated if our European friends, by moving in the direction of a single market, are to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.

We are particularly glad to see the statement issued by the countries which have signed the Schuman Plan Treaty. Their view that increased production will be furthered through economic integration [Page 59] of Europe is an indication of the very real appreciation the Europeans have of the course of action that must be followed. This statement adds strength to the policy declaration of the OEEC Council.

We welcome these European initiatives. We will look forward to working with the European governments in translating the broad goals set forth in their declaration into concrete plans of action.”

  1. The source text does not indicate to which European missions this telegram was sent. In telegram Repto circular 117, August 30, sent to ECA/Washington, Heidelberg, and Paris for SHAPE, Porter reported that the OEEC Manifesto was of great “informational potential” and deserved maximum publicity and public attention. But he cautioned that the European initiative and European origin of the document “must not be compromised by Amer label on publicity.” Therefore, “We suggest you offer local govt fullest assistance and take advantage this opportunity to spur them to active and adequate publicity effort. Mission chief may wish to issue public statement of reaction and this highly desirable as appropriate follow-up publicity.” (ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris)