No. 133

740.5/5–951: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium ( Murphy ) to the Secretary of State 1


1779. Personal for Cabot. Further urtel 1466.2 I conveyed to Van Zeeland this morning after his return from London substance of urtel omitting refs to Paris [paragraphs] 5 and 6 (see mytel 1770)3 leaving with him informal memo4 containing substance urtel. I explained to Van Zeeland that you were appreciative of affirmative efforts which Belg has made in defense field with especial ref to 24-month draft law, etc., US believed Belg capable of greater effort. I [Page 281] emphasized that our auths in Wash seriously concerned over eventual Congressional reaction to poor Belg showing as this might entail adverse effect on entire MDAP.

Van Zeeland replied that he had come away from London with feeling that Belg effort benefited by comparison with what other Eur countries are doing. According Van Zeeland Belg delegation at London is positive that Belg is doing better than most other Eur countries. He had enjoyed, he said “very agreeable” talks with Spofford and Herod day before yesterday, and was not conscious of dissatisfaction their part re Belg defense effort. Spofford informs me by telephone that he will convey Dept’s viewpoint to Belg deputy and to De Staercke.

Before commenting further on our views re Belg effort Van Zeeland wanted to make close study of memo which I left with him and wld communicate Belg reactions soon. He also promised to have De Staercke visit Emb on his return to Brussels this week and explain London point of view. This he hoped wld enable better mutual understanding of problem.

Van Zeeland also wondered whether it might not be well for him to visit Wash in near future as he wld like a personal talk with Secretary on this subject and other matters and asked my opinion. I replied that I was sure Secretary always welcomed opportunity to meet with him but that perhaps at moment Wash agenda was very crowded. Possibly during coming weeks there might be a favorable moment.5

It occurs to me also that it might be helpful if Dept asked Belg Amb in Wash to call and explain point of view stated urtel 1466.

  1. Repeated to London for Spofford and to Paris for MacArthur.
  2. Document 131.
  3. In telegram 1770 from Brussels, May 8, Murphy reported on his conversation with Eisenhower in Brussels the preceding day covering the substance of paragraphs 5 and 6 on end-item deliveries. The General had asked Murphy to report that he, Eisenhower, would view with the greatest concern any proposal to reduce U.S. deliveries under the end-item program because to do so “might endanger our primary objective of creation of adequate forces in being as soon as may be possible.” Murphy said that in discussing the substance of telegram 1466 with Van Zeeland he would make no reference at this stage to a possible reduction of end-item deliveries. (740.5/5–851)
  4. Not found in Department of State files.
  5. Murphy again raised this subject in a letter to Acheson dated May 23 in which he said he would welcome the opportunity for Van Zeeland to meet with the Secretary and with Cabot and some of the ECA staff in Washington. Murphy suggested that Van Zeeland, in his capacity as Belgian Foreign Minister as well as Chairman of the North Atlantic Council, might be able to “convey a helpful picture” on defense problems and gain a better understanding of the problems as seen in Washington. (755.13/5–2351) Acheson replied on June 5, saying the visit would be useful but must be postponed because of his heavy schedule including extended appearances before the Congress and a possible conference of Foreign Ministers in July. (740.5/5–2351)