740.00119 Control (Japan) /6–449: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Canton
Telcan 299. ReCantel 530 June 4.1 At earliest suitable opportunity Pls inform Yeh,2 acting FonMin, Dept gratified China has revised its [Page 766] policy re Japan and will support US in principle in both reparations and limited participation Japan in intl relationships under SCAP control; that Dept hopes other Govts will take similar action supporting US principles which are designed further basic expressed purposes of Allied occupation; that early expression (which he could give at any meeting without prior notice) by Chinese representative on FEC of his support of these measures would be welcome and desirable; that FonMin may wish instruct Chinese reps at present ITU conferences at both Paris and Geneva to support US approval of Jap attendance as members; and that Dept trusts FonMin appreciates difficulty of attempting give advance notice to Chinese in all cases or in treating them differently from other friendly FEC Govts but Dept will give full consideration to his request and whenever practicable inform them of US proposals.