740.00119 FEAC/6–249: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)


244. Summary FEC Mtg, May 26.

Jap Participation Intl Relations ( FEC–339)

Re UK inquiry whether US contemplated Jap consuls sent or recd abroad, US member stated this wld be entirely matter for recipient [Page 763] country to determine; that US proposal contemplates no intl relations between Japan and any other nation except at invitation of other country; that if any country desired receive Jap consuls and invited consular arrangements, under terms of policy, SCAP wld have discretion, if he considered it to be in interests occupation, to permit Japan, subj to his continued control, to enter into such arrangement.

Austral member stated his Govt wld not support US proposal. It felt under existing FEC policies there is already ample latitude for fostering Japan’s contacts with other countries. Moreover, it considered Japan cannot appropriately be re-admitted into society of nations with full voting rights at intl conferences as long as technical state of war exists with Japan. It seemed to his Govt US case provided support early peace settlement, but until such settlement concluded FEC must remain responsible for close supervision all aspects Japan’s intl relations and it wld be for Allied Powers at time peace settlement decide whether supervision Japan’s intl relations should be relaxed.

US member pointed out it might be some time before agreement reached on peace conference and in meantime responsible commander should have auth carry out broad policies FEC without administrative control from FEC.

NZ member thought members of Com should have opportunity to express views before faced with fait accompli.

Jap Membership Intl Convention Telecommunications ( FEC–334)

No comments.

Jap Reparations and Level of Industry ( FEC–340)

Chi statement air pouched to you. Second Phil statement transmitted SCAP in WCL 44171, May 28.1

US member on personal basis replied Phil member’s reference Parrott art New York Times May 24 that there was no basis in fact for statements and no intention of forming or allowing formation natl defense force for Japan.

Under Other Business, Sov member objected Chairman’s removal FEC–333/7, Priority for Patent Applications in Japan from agenda and insisted item be kept on agenda until US clearly stated whether, in issuing interim directive, it intended adhere to principles established in FEC Terms of Reference. Chairman pointed out Sov member, if he so desired, might make motion proposing item be restored to agenda.

  1. For Department of State press release of June 10 on the U.S. attitude toward the Philippine and Chinese complaints regarding Japanese reparations removals, see Department of State Bulletin, June 26, 1949, pp. 831–833.