740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–1749: Telegram

The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State


554. Accompanied by General Roberts and Drumright, I called on President Rhee this morning. At my suggestion, he had with him Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, and Defense Minister.

In course of ensuing 2-hour conversation, I indicated withdrawal US troops, initiated latter part 1948, would be completed by departure RCT during “next few weeks.” I avoided telling Rhee we expected complete evacuation RCT by June 30.

Before conveying foregoing information to Rhee, General Roberts and I transferred Korean security forces [apparent omission] and stated certain further military equipment and supplies now on hand with USAFIK or in transit would be transferred Korean forces subsequently. I pointed out equipping Korean Army had been subject careful consideration CG USAFIK, CINCFE, and DA and it conviction our military experts Korean Army adequately equipped meet current requirements. I also stressed completion withdrawal US forces excepting KMAG meant no lessening US aid and support Korean Government.

Rhee and his cabinet colleagues accepted my remarks re withdrawal with some reluctance. However, it was apparent they were resigned to fact of early withdrawal. Rhee suggested, as he has on several recent occasions, issuance of public statement in Washington of continuing US aid and support would be extremely helpful to him convincing Korean people withdrawal US troops not catastrophe to Korea. Rhee also mentioned desirability of conclusion of Pacific Pact similar Atlantic Pact, or conclusion agreement between US and Korea alone or with other nations for mutual defense against any aggressor nations, or reaffirmation by US of amity clause US-Korean treaty 1882. I gave Rhee no encouragement re these desiderata except to say US would be willing consider negotiation modern treaty of friendship and commerce. In this connection, Rhee stated friendship treaty would be helpful but not particularly responsive Korea current needs unless treaty included military aid provisions.

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On basis our conversation today, I consider Rhee reconciled to completion US troop withdrawal and feel he will make no strong effort impede such withdrawal. While Rhee obviously would like categorical declaration all-out US support his government in event third power aggression, I believe he and Korean people will be satisfied in end by issuance of general statement pointing out completion US troops withdrawal means no lessening of US aid and support which continuing and which expected continue in future. See my immediately following telegram for specific comment on this question.1

In meeting May 15 with UNCOK delegates presently Seoul, I outlined recent developments re troop withdrawal. I believe UNCOK will offer no objection to completion troop withdrawal.

  1. Ambassador Muccio took up this question again in his telegram 557, May 18, wherein he made the following comment:

    “In my opinion, public assurances sought by Rhee might best be met by statement along lines conclusion K of NSC 8/2, or if Department agreeable, more positive approach could be made along lines Paragraph 5, Depcirtel March 18. In addition, some reference might be made US willingness consider negotiation modern treaty friendship and commerce.

    “Release at highest level in Washington would help satisfy Rhee. Suggest text proposed statement be sent here for perusal prior issuance Washington.” (740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–1849)