895.24/3–1549: Telegram

The Chargé of the American Mission in Korea (Drumright) to the Secretary of State


240. Mytel 237, March 14.1 In conversations yesterday evening and again this morning President Rhee stated he had instructed Chough Pyung Ok take up with US authorities, as “side issue” to his primary mission to UN, question of additional arms and equipment for Korean security forces. In describing Chough’s supplementary mission, Rhee expressed regret matter had leaked to press and published accounts had appeared US press (Chough and not Rhee was evidently source of leak).

Rhee has for some time been persuaded by his military and police advisors Korea needs augmented security forces and has made various approaches, apart from present one, for additional arms and equipment. As Rhee explains it, with larger and better equipped security forces not only would prospect North Korean invasion South Korea diminish to vanishing point but chances North Korean security forces revolting against Soviet masters (which Rhee has been led by his advisors to expect) would be increased. Rhee manifestly envisages absorption North Korea in Republic of Korea (as evidenced by recent appointment governors 5 northern provinces and various expressions of view regarding mission UNCOK). In our opinion, considering his record as ardent patriot and long time revolutionary, this attitude on part Rhee understandable though perhaps fraught with danger.

Discussing question additional arms with Rhee this morning CG USAFIK and I limited our comment to following points: (1) We understood Korean aid question including military assistance, now being reviewed Washington; and (2) Arms and equipment presently available, with some exceptions (such as establishment small arms plant and improved naval craft), appeared adequate for present security requirements. We also suggested Korean security forces could best be used at present in suppressing Communist raiders in South Korea and on Cheju Island.

  1. Not printed; it advised the Department of the departure for the United States of Dr. Chough to be the Korean observer at the United Nations (501.BA/2–2149).