761.94114/12–2249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)


698. Reurtel 583 Dec 22.1 Fol note being sent Soviet Amb2 Washington.

“SecState presents his compliments to His Excellency the Amb of USSR and has honor to refer to fol statement contained in Potsdam Declaration, issued July 26, 1945 by heads of Govts of US, Great Britain and China, and subsequently subscribed to by SovGov: ‘The Jap military forces, after being completely disarmed shall be permitted to return to their homes with opportunity to lead peaceful and productive lives.’

“From outset of occupation of Japan, Supreme Commander for Allied Powers instituted a program for repatriation of many millions of Jap from areas abroad. Excellent cooperation was forthcoming from authorities of Australia, China, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippine Republic, UK and US, so that entire program with single exception noted below virtually completed during 1947. Exception relates to USSR which, many months after repatriation of Japs from other areas had been completed, still held several hundreds of thousands of Japs in detainment.

“On May 20, 1949 a Sov statement reported by Tass News Agency declared at that time there was total 95,000 Jap prisoners in Sov-held territories remaining to be repatriated their homeland. This figure did not account for additional 376,929 Jap who, according to figures compiled by JapGov, were then, and still are, held in areas under Sov control.

“This discrepancy in no [number] unrepatriated Jap is too wide to be attributed clerical error or oversight. At same time, repatriation results from all other areas have uniformly attested to substantial reliability of JapGov statistics pertaining to Japs to be returned from those areas. JapGov’s statistics relating to Japs detained in Sov-held areas further supported by letters from Siberia and by interviews with many hundreds of repatriates.

“Supposition therefore arises that discrepancy in question may only be explained by continued detention of large numbers of Japs in Sov-controlled areas and/or by abormally high death factor among those who were to be repatriated. As to latter possibility, repeated efforts been made by SCAP obtain precise info from Sov authorities re deaths Jap internees. Continued refusal Sov authorities even to transmit info on approximate no deceased internees has already imposed on families of all who not been repatriated many years of uncertainty and anguish. Withholding this info as well as prolonged detention prisoners after cessation hostilities in patent conflict with accepted Intl concepts of fundamental human rights and freedoms, and with humanitarian principles set forth Geneva Conventions of 1949 which were signed by some 45 Powers including Sov Union.

[Page 939]

“US Gov therefore urges, in interests of resolving an issue of longstanding concern to Allied Powers and Japan, that SovGov agree to designation of an Intl humanitarian body or organization which wld be charged with making complete survey of situation at first hand with view to obtaining exact info on Japs detained in areas under Sov control since cessation of hostilities. It is felt only through such means will it be possible, other approaches having proved unavailing, to settle a controversy which is causing unrest in Japan and concern everywhere.”

Dept requesting UK Gov to make parallel approach Sov Amb to London. Before press releasing text its note Dept wld appreciate your suggestions re timing release so as gain optimum publicity ur area. Pls reply soonest.

  1. Not printed. Telegram 698 was repeated as 956, December 31, 1 p. m., to Moscow.
  2. Alexander Semenovich Panyushkin.