740.0011 PW (Peace)/12–2749: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


In view forthcoming Ceylon mtg Commonwealth FonMins to discuss inter alia Jap peace treaty and original expectation, now appearing impossible of accomplishment, that US wld present Commonwealths with at least gist of its views on a treaty draft for Ceylon mtg, pls call on Min External Affairs of accredited Govt for purpose of orally confidentially presenting fol basic info re US thinking on Jap problem.

US and Brit Govts, and others attempted in 1947 bring about peace conference and failed. When Bevin was here in Sep subject was raised [Page 932] again and conclusion reached, since procedure closely connected with desired content of treaty, to exchange views on latter. Since then US has been working intensively exploring what possible treaty wld look like under present conditions. On good many aspects tentative conclusions reached, but in very important matter of security satisry answers have not yet been found to certain basic problems.

[Here follows quotation based on text of Mr. Acheson’s memorandum of December 24 to the British Ambassador, page 927, from the second paragraph through the third.]

Sovs will use maximum pressure to communize Jap. Jap islands occupy such strategic position off Eastern Asiatic seacoast that Kremlin control thereof wld extend Sov power into Western Pacific to alarming degree. Command of seas and air over the seas along Eastern Asia littoral wld pass to Russians, and chain of islands leading southward as far as East Indies and Singapore wld be definitely threatened. Govts throughout that area wld be placed in great jeopardy by impact of militant Communism based on Jap islands. Effects cld spread westward into Indian sub-continent areas.

Cardinal point in prescibed method of spreading Communism as enunciated by Sov writers is presence Sov mil power along frontier common to that of next selected victim. Sov press boasts effect presence Red Army in accomplishing sovietizing of Sov satellites. These successes contrast with Sov failures in countries where there exists no common frontier.

Spread of Sov system by such tactics constitutes forcible acquisition of territory just as definitely as territorial aggrandizement by open mil conquest. Inevitably in varying degrees of speed the new victim is shackled to Moscow direction and control.

[Here follows quotation based on the same text from the fourth paragraph through the ninth, concluding with the next-to-last sentence of paragraph ten.]

In 1947 Sov attitude on procedure prevented progress toward peace treaty. Since that time Sov penetration of other countries and tactics of indirect aggression have added to original Sov blocking in making difficult progress toward Jap peace treaty. Jap people are eager for treaty. Against this background it is highly important that nothing result from Ceylon mtg which would cause Jap people to feel that countries other than Sov Union are responsible for delay or difficulty in according Jap treaty status. US feels this point is psychologically of utmost importance.

  1. At Canberra, Colombo, Karachi, New Delhi, and Wellington. In the telegram to Colombo, it was added “that no decision yet made by this Govt as to inclusion or exclusion of Ceylon in Jap peace conference.” In a further circular telegram to the same posts, December 28, 4 a. m., the Department requested no action be taken until new instructions were sent. (740.0011 PW (Peace)/12–2849)