501.BC Indonesia/11–349: Telegram:

The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Chapin) to the Secretary of State


1049. Hicus 89. Plenary session 2 p. m. November 2 ended RTC successfully.1 Speech of UNCI chairman Herremans telegraphed directly Omnipress, New York, N.Y., UNCI principal secretary. Secretary General RTC promises all agreement documents available within 4 days. Drafting committee of two from each delegation set up to check texts and translations. UNCI will assist. Today I meet with small committee to check Union Statute. UNCI working on its report SC. East Sumatra signed Constitution yesterday thus completing adherence all BFO areas.

Netherlands Government gave dinner last night presided over by Prime Minister for RTC, Del and UNCI. Informal speeches extremely friendly and excellent spirit prevailed. Speakers of three delegations all expressed appreciation assistance UNCI, particularly our policy of letting parties endeavor settle own problems but always being able offer solutions when called upon as difficulties arose.

After dinner, Drees, Stikker, Maarseveen and Van Royen were very kind in thanking me personally. Drees said he knew I had always been optimistic and said he now optimistic for first time. Indonesians likewise appreciative. Roem and Simatupang leaving this evening for Indonesia in order carry true RTC story before any political advisors [Page 563] go. Before dinner, Simatupang told me he pleased with progress made outside RTC past few days on military matters. Said principles of agreement concluded whereunder Netherlands troops will be withdrawn from certain area toward concentration points prior transfer sovereignty. Said Netherlands not yet agreed to complete withdrawal from Renville territories by transfer but Simatupang still hopes this can be achieved. Said suggestion had been made that Secretary State for War Fockema Andreae proceed Indonesia shortly to consummate and supervise these arrangements. This official has been found sympathetic and realistic by Indonesians who would welcome his visit warmly.

After dinner, Stikker asked what I thought should be done immediately in Indonesia. I told him first move should be to send Fockema. As Van Royen and I came home he said Drees and Stikker had just agreed that Fockema should go Indonesia. Simatupang and other Indonesian leaders stressed necessity military observers remaining to observe withdrawals at least until transfer sovereignty. They thought military observers might also help thereafter depending upon how far Netherlands withdrawals may be accomplished by transfer date and how much difficulty may be experienced with dissident elements. Believe therefore any decision toward cutting down or withdrawing military observers should be postponed.

Sumitro expects return US November 11, remain there one week and then go Indonesia. After surveying situation Indonesia hopes accompany Djuanda on special mission to US, of which I had not previously heard. I shall ask Hatta directly about this. Stikker mentioned question announcement ECA aid. Said it really did not matter to him whether it came today or few days later. This should depend upon results his Embassy’s talks with Department. He thought US should consult with Netherlands before extending any financial assistance Indonesia. I gave no undertakings but told him I had made no commitments on loans to Indonesians. Simply had said I would help see what could be done when I go US. I did state, however, I was sure US did not intend be least bit reckless. Signed Cochran.

Sent Department 1049; repeated Batavia 108.

  1. See report based on excerpts from UN document S/1417, November 10, in Department of State Bulletin, December 26, 1949, pp. 958–969; and draft charter of transfer of sovereignty, November 2, in document 156, A Decade of American Foreign Policy: Basic Documents, 1941–49, prepared for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 81st Cong., 1st sess., doc. no. 123 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1950), p. 802. For texts of final report dated November 8 and its enclosures, see SC, 4th yr., Spec. Suppl. No. 6.