501.BC Indonesia/10–1249: Telegram
The Chargé in the Netherlands (Steere) to the Secretary of State
935. Hicus 60. Anakagung phoned 3 p. m. both Indonesian groups at Maarseveen’s luncheon had agreed Lieftinck idea as basis negotiation and had insisted on me as third man on arbitration committee to serve with Netherlands Hirschfeld and Indonesian Djuanda. Said Maarseveen and Stikker were to consult Van Royen re third member.
Roem telephoned me later to inform UNCI that press communiqué had been issued following luncheon meeting of three chairmen and three vice chairmen of delegations to effect they had met in cordial atmosphere and decided on means to end RTC successfully this month.
Visited Van Royen 4 to 5. He said Maarseveen and Stikker had talked with him for only ten minutes following lunch, and Stikker then left with group for Luxembourg. Said three of them agreed ask me be third man on arbitration committee. Hirschfeld had not yet been consulted, being absent in Luxembourg, but Netherlands assumed he would accept. I said I would do whatever parties agreed upon as helpful, but would insist that terms of reference for our committee and consequences of its decision be defined specifically before task undertaken. I had asked Van Royen how far details of Lieftinck’s overall plan had been disclosed to Indonesians. He was not sure on one or two points and phoned Maarseveen in my presence, but still could not clear up all questions for me.
Since returning from Van Royen, have received request from Roem for talk at 6:30. Should there get first-hand account of Indonesian understanding of what was explained and agreed upon at luncheon. Van Royen did not have text communiqué and I have not yet seen it. Main development is that six top men apparently realize RTC must end successfully October and are reconciled to tackling key problem of debts, starting with arbitration committee. Signed Cochran.
Sent Department 935, Batavia 84.