501.BC Indonesia/10–1049: Telegram

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Steere) to the Secretary of State


914. Hicus 56. Ushic 24:1 Feel obliged deny allegation by Netherlands that RepDel endeavoring “pull out” of agreement on Union Statute. Have attended most meetings Union Statute group and have reported difficulties met therein. These have resulted from great importance [Page 516] politically each side attaches to precise wording of almost every one of 30 articles herein. As Dow has reported (Gocus 8042), draft which I have so far influenced Indonesians to take represents limit to which Masjumi would support Hatta. On remaining points I have submitted drafts and participated in long discussions with view to completing arrangement on terms which would still safeguard political position each party. Indonesians have been no stiffer these negotiations than Netherlands. On contrary, have been more willing endeavor expedite conclusion. Maarseveen as chairman last week was definitely not helpful at Thursday night meeting and I so commented to Van Royen afterwards. Meeting tonight at 9 with drafting group of three. This should indicate whether agreement on entire statute can be reached.

When Drees and Stikker told me Friday night Indonesians were delaying discussions most committees and disrupting conference, I said Indonesians made almost same allegation to me re Netherlands tactics. I said I had opinion and had so reported to my Department that neither side was stalling but that both faced with difficulty decisions on matters vital importance. I told them I shared their view Palar had been disconcerting influence and I had lectured him thereon. I said key to situation was for Netherlands approve financial settlement bearable Indonesians. I thought once this accomplished, RTC could be wound up in comparatively short time. Without such step I feared consequences.

When Stikker and Van Royen talked with Beam and me, we assured them Beam would do everything possible upon arrival Batavia to help achieve better order. Believe, however, Netherlands raising this issue to undue height. Believe TNI has shown remarkable control and discipline in avoiding fatal incidents in difficult situation which was left under cease-hostilities plan. Convinced way out is for rapid and successful termination RTC Hague and return Indonesians soonest. With fair agreement achieved, I feel these political leaders could handle military forces effectively. Fact that various groups have affiliated with TNI might be looked upon as helpful rather than dangerous moves since this may eliminate necessity for much actual fighting. Success depends, of course, on TNI maintaining conservative leadership and USI in due time eliminating undesirable elements when constituting regular army.

Hearing of first significant interests group scheduled this afternoon. Signed Cochran.

Sent Department, repeated Batavia 81.

  1. Telegram 868, October 7, p. 502.
  2. Telegram 790, October 5, from Batavia, not printed.