501.BC Indonesia/10–849: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands 1

top secret

870. Ushic 25. Hicus 52 and 53.2 Neth Amb called Oct 8 his request express his govt’s deep concern developments resulting from your [Page 512] effort resolve impasse ec-financial negots emphasizing possibility resignation present Cabinet and breakdown RTC DepUnderSec.3 emphasized purely personal character your proposal, fact that such technique had been used successfully before and expressed hope that Tues meeting would resolve present tension. DepUnderSec added he did not believe Neth Govt justified in making such heayy weather of incident.

Hicus 544 received after Amb departed.

  1. Repeated in telegram Gadel 48, October 11, 2 p. m., to New York (USUN).
  2. Telegram 907 and 908, October 8, pp. 503, 505.
  3. Dean Rusk.
  4. Supra.