501.BC Indonesia/8–1949: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands 1


721. Ushic 7. Under instrs his Govt, Neth Chargé informed Dept today his Govt’s increasing concern over numerous violations ceasefire order by Indonesian armed bands. He stated he would make available next week photostatic copies of documents seized in Indonesia evidencing that complained of infiltrations part of general plan, and not isolated incidents. He expressed hope Cochran in Hague and Dow in Batavia would impress urgently upon Republican leaders [Page 473] necessity carrying out sincerely cease-fire orders in order avert unfavorable reaction in Neth to extent affecting adversely chances success of RTC. He said reasonable compliance with cease-fire order and cooperation on part of Republican leaders is all that is needed but remarked increasing number incidents did not warrant optimism in this respect.2

  1. Repeated as 431, Usgoc 423, to Batavia.
  2. Telegram 432, Usgoc 424, August 22, 2 p. m., to Batavia (repeated as 725, Ushic 8, to The Hague), requested even greater effort in reporting from Indonesia on the cease-fire situation in order to combat many rumors in circulation (501.BC Indonesia/8–2249).