501.BC Indonesia/2–1649: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State 1

secret   us urgent

177. Gocus 591. British Consul General handed me 15th aide-mémoire on Indonesia, reference Usgoc 290.2

Critchley received necessary authority for approval report to SC as quoted Gocus 590.3 Cable sent SC night 15th.

Visited Schuurman today. Summarized trip to US and Europe. Emphasized US adherence complete SC resolution and my desire be resonable and helpful as possible in achieving early implementation thereof. He referred differences between The Hague and Batavia. Said The Hague views problem from international standpoint while Beel naturally concerned with Indonesian side. Said Beel’s return Hague caused by resignation Sassen. Though there were three possibilities namely: Beel convinced Hague correctness his position or be convinced Hague’s position or compromise. He did not rule out possibility Beel resigning. I said I understood Beel desired Hague issue statement refusing accept SC resolution and Hatta desired Hague statement accepting resolution. Said I suggested in Hague compromise idea of issuing no statement but letting Van Royen’s last speech in SC suffice and proceeding with implementation resolution.

Discussed with Schuurman possibility progress that might be made by UNCFI assisting in talks with Republican[s] and Federalists. He said he had received no new instructions and doubted any would be received from Hague pending consultation there with Beel. Said Beel due Hague today and probably returning Batavia end next week. Said approval given UNCFI visit Republicans tomorrow. Saw no objection my receiving personally any Federalists who might desire call. Feared resolution might stiffen Republicans unduly and referred particularly statement attributed to. Hatta by Isaacs (re Hague’s 1534).

Schuurman referred to short-cut plan for settlement but said it too nebulous to give definite details. Said Beel would seek decision thereon. Dicussions in Hague may naturally cause important changes. Explaining I had only sketchy idea of plan, Schuurman volunteered some information. Drees had told me plan was Beel’s. Schuurman said original idea came up some time ago in East Indonesia and was later discussed by some Federalists. Beel further developed it. General idea is to set up interim government soonest and transfer sovereignty in two or three [Page 232] months. Within that period conference would probably be held Hague for working out solution some major problems required before sovereignty could be transferred. Schuurman thought UNCFI might participate therein. Certain important issues would have to be settled by treaty or otherwise after initial transfer sovereignty. Full and unconditional transfer might not take place until twelve months after initial step.5

I said I had told Ministers The Hague I did not have sufficient information re plan to offer any observations except that world and SC would not take seriously any negotiations toward agreement taking place with one party in custody. Furthermore, I had withheld comments until return Indonesia and chance talk with Indonesians. I told Schuurman I had no objection early transfer sovereignty provided this arrived at through amicable negotiations without coercion or duress and provided transfer takes place in circumstances which would offer new government genuine chance succeed. Indonesian Government should not be loaded down with inherited mess of financial, military and other problems which would probably result in its failure. (I have felt that such catastrophe may be expected and desired by die-hards.) I said any Indonesian Government setup in most propitious circumstances would surely face difficulties as have new governments Latin-America and Philippines, Said Indonesian Government would have to look to Netherlands for much cooperation and should be willing assure Netherlands of continuing beneficial interest this area. I thought outlook would be disappointing unless both parties now act entirely in good faith and work out sound and enduring arrangement. Thought time schedule fixed by SC resolution ample and short-cut should be taken only if comparable soundness could be achieved.

Emphasized Schuurman [my] trip to Europe had been at own suggestion and on my responsibility; my government expected early implementation SC resolution; and I had no commitment whatever to contrary. Said I desired work with him and with other parties in calmest atmosphere possible toward progressive solution. He said some new officials might come from The Hague in replacement present delegations and two groups be set up instead of present NethDel. One would deal with foreign aspects problem while other would contact RepDel and Federalists group. He greatly appreciated UNCFI’s postponement SC report to March 1. Hoped resolution Hague political crisis and Beel’s problems would permit decisive developments before fixed date. Schuurman asked I keep in close touch and particularly let him know results Bangka visit.

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Indian Consul General called. He congratulated me on what he thought were results my visit Washington and Europe. I said Delhi Conference showed we were all working for same end. He agreed wisdom UNCFI decision postpone report. Said must give Netherlands opportunity solve political crisis and then begin implementation. Thought Sassen’s resignation and Beel’s hurried departure Hague promising indications change in policy. Hoped Cabinet downfall could be avoided and that no statement would be issued by government denouncing SC resolution. He had desired statement accepting resolution but saw virtue my compromise idea of no statement supplementing Van Royen’s but quick move toward implementation.

Consul General said BFO representatives meeting continuously in Batavia and Leimena and other Republicans having considerable influence on their thinking. Said only leaders still holding views very far from Republicans are Mansur and Sultan Hamid6 with latter veering considerably toward Republicans. Thought Hatta could have good influence on Federalists if contact brought about. Favored my encouraging Republicans open direct talks with Federalists. Said time now come for Indonesians as well as Dutch stop quibbling and show leadership capable effect solution.

Went reception by Governor Batavia last night. Have been well received and without incident by Netherlands officials. Usual press comment but nothing serious. Signed Cochran.

  1. Repeated in telegram 136, February 17, 7 p. m., to The Hague.
  2. Telegram 80, February 12, not printed.
  3. Supra.
  4. Not printed.
  5. For further details on the “Beel plan” as received from the British Embassy, see infra.
  6. Dr. Mansur was wali negara (head of state), East Sumatra, and Hamid II was Sultan of West Borneo (Pontianak), and chairman of the BFO.