[Page 804] [Page 805]- Abbink, John, 552–564, 581, 585–586
- Abbott, Douglas C., 400n
- Accioly, Hildebrando, 458–459, 461
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, nonparticipation by United States in, 432, 434
- Anti-Dominican activities in Guatemala, 444
- Anti-Venezuelan activities in Cuba and Costa Rica, 450–451
- Atomic bomb statement, Sept. 23, 193n
- Caribbean Legion, activities of, 462
- Economic agreement of Bogota, non-ratification by United States of, 424–427
- Haitian relations with Dominican Republic, 438, 440–442, 468
- Inter-American Economic Conference at Buenos Aires, postponement of, 428–429
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 454, 457
- Inter-American policy, 462
- North Atlantic treaty, 74
- Organization of American States, charter of, 419
- United Nations: Attendance at, 5–6, 11–12; “Essentials of Peace” resolution, 76, 80, 88–90, 94, 98, 100–102, 104, 107–109, 123n ; general convention on privileges and immunities, 45, 59, 69–70; headquarters agreement, implementation of, 58–59; membership, 295–296, 299–300, 307; Security Council, elections to, 238–263 passim, 275; Security Council, voting procedure in, 318–322; Sino-Soviet treaty, Chinese charges of Soviet violations of, 144–148, 154, 157–161, 163–167, 169, 175, 181–228 passim, 257; trusteeships, matters concerning, 351–357, 359; U.N. Participation Act of 1945, amendment of, 2–3; U.S. representation, 2–5, 9–10, 12–13, 20–21
- U.S. relations with: Argentina, 481–483, 485–486, 488–491, 493–499, 501, 505, 511, 517–518; Bolivia, 525, 527, 530–531, 533, 535–538, 540–541, 545–547; Brazil, 549–552, 565–566, 571–572, 576–577, 579–581; Canada, 394–396, 398–402, 407n , 410–414; Chile, 592–594, 596; Colombia, 603, 605–607, 609, 614, 616, 618–622; Cuba, 623–625, 627, 629–632, 634–635, 640, 645; Dominican Republic, 466–467; Guatemala, 654–658, 661, 669n ; Mexico, 677, 679n , 685–688, 693, 696; Panama, 706–743 passim; Paraguay, 746–748, 750, 753–756, 758–759, 762, 763n ; Peru, 766, 768n , 769–772, 775–778; Uruguay, 783, 785, 787–788, 790–791, 793–794; Venezuela, 795
- Ackerman, Ralph H., 634–636
- Acosta, Cesar R., 749n
- Acosta, Eduardo, 796
- Afghanistan, 129, 142n , 196, 280
- Africa, 265, 268, 341, 344n , 349n , 356, 359, 369, 373, 575, 583
- Agriculture, (U.S.) Department of, 627
- Aguerrevere, Pedro, 796
- Air Force, (U.S.) Department of the, 537, 541, 551, 703, 710
- Alamilla, Guillermo, 641
- Alaska, 136–137, 352, 398–399
- Albania, 257–258, 293n
- Aleman, Maj. Alfredo, 725
- Alemán, Alfredo, Jr., 725
- Alemán Valdes, Miguel, 686–689, 699–700
- Alessandri, Jorge, 590, 593n , 596
- Alessandri Rodriguez, Arturo, 589
- Alexis, Stephen, 25
- Alfaro, Ricardo J., 706–708, 723
- All American Cables and Radio Company, 625
- Allen, Denis, 341n , 345, 347–349
- Allen, Roger, 104, 106, 274–275, 290, 357
- Allison, John M., 286
- Alvarado, Julio, 428
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, Havana meeting, non-participation by United States, 354–355, 357, 430–435
- American Red Cross, 668–669
- American States members of International Labor Organization, fourth conference of, Montevideo, Apr. 25–May 8, 766–767, 789, 799–800
- Amézaga, Juan José 780n
- Anaconda Company, 592–593, 595, 598
- Anderson, Karl, 597–598
- Anderson, Roger V., 613
- Anker, Peter M., 263
- Antarctica, 431–432
- Arab League, 267
- Arana, Col. Francisco, 655, 664
- Arango Velez, Eliseo, 619
- Arbenz Guzmán, Lt. Col. Jacobo, 655n , 661
- Arce, José, 105–109, 116, 118, 121–123, 126–128, 140, 225, 258, 303, 316–317
- Ares, Roberto, 481–482, 490, 506n , 507
- Arévalo Bermejo, Juan José 445, 450, 456, 460–461, 464, 650–651, 654–661, 664, 668n
- Argentina (see also
Country positions
under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace”
resolution, etc.):
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, support for, 431–432
- American meatpackers in, difficulties of, 489–494, 497–498, 500–501, 505–506, 519, 521
- American motion pictures, questions regarding entry of, 519, 521, 523–524
- American oil companies, operations of, 519, 521–523
- Devaluation of Argentine peso, 514–515
- Economic and financial situation, 473–474, 477, 480–481, 483, 488, 490–491, 493, 495, 498, 501–502, 512–515, 517
- Export-Import Bank loan, question of, 516–517
- Expropriation policies, 485–487, 489–497, 499–501, 506n
- Falkland Islands, claim to, 431
- Inter-American Committee on Methods for Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts, 446
- Inter-American economic conference at Buenos Aires, proposed, 429
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 459
- International Bank and Monetary Fund, nonmember of, 502
- Joint U.S.-Argentine Committee on Commercial Studies, 499–500, 514–524
- North Atlantic pact, Argentine interpretation of U.S.-Soviet relations as result of, 474, 478–490, 495
- Offshore purchases by ECA, question of, 478, 481–483, 488, 490, 503–504, 507, 510, 518
- Political situation, 473, 481
- Recognition policy, 484
- Relations with: Bolivia, 453, 484, 529, 532–535, 537–541, 601, 788; Brazil, 484, 572, 574–575; Chile, 533–534, 538, 588–589, 596, 601; Colombia, 619, 622; Ecuador, 538; France, 474; Paraguay, 484, 574, 747–748, 751, 757–758, 760; Peru, 533, 589, 764–766, 777; United Kingdom, 484; Uruguay, 484, 533, 539, 780–783, 785, 787, 739; Venezuela, 589
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 498–499
- United Kingdom:
- United Nations: Matters concerning, 225, 263, 272, 280, 474–475; Security Council, member of, 237, 241, 252, 275–276, 285, 296, 300
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 473–524, 752, 783, 785, 788
- Arias, Julio C. Rodriguez, 514
- Arias Madrid, Arnulfo, 724–737, 739–744
- Arias Madrid, Harmodio, 706, 711–712, 716n , 721n , 730, 735–738
- Armour, Norman, 503, 606–607
- Armour Company, 489
- Armour Research Foundation, 680
- Army, (U.S.) Department of the, 537, 703–704, 710
- Arneson, Gordon, 12
- Aruba, 796
- Arze, José Antonio, 527
- Asia, 373
- Atherton, Ray, 5, 9
- Atomic bomb, Soviet explosion of, 193n , 249
- Atomic Energy Act of 1946, 125
- Atwood, Rollin S., 499–500, 507n , 512, 514, 516, 791
- Atyeo, S. L., 214, 234–235
- Austin, Warren R.:
- Convention on privileges and immunities of United Nations, 56n , 59–60, 69–70
- U.N. General Assembly: “Essentials of Peace” resolution, 23–24, 26–27, 76–80, 90–143 passim; Sino-Soviet treaty, Chinese charges of Soviet violations of, 144–145, 147, 169–173, 175–176, 183–186, 192–232 passim, 290–291
- U.N. membership question, 291–293, 295–297, 299, 300n , 307–308
- U.N. Security Council: Elections to nonpermanent seats on, 234, 237–238, 240n , 245–246, 250–252, 255–256, 259–260, 263–264, 275–278; voting procedures, 312n , 318–319, 323–330
- U.N. trusteeships, 351
- U.S. representative at United Nations, 3n , 5, 9, 12, 14
- Australia (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc., and under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty; etc.), 142n , 171, 242, 268, 276, 279, 291, 310, 334, 340, 353–355, 366
- Austrian peace treaty negotiations, 258
- Bacon, Ruth, 281–287, 370
- Bagby, Philip H., 9
- Baig, M. O. A., 243–244
- Bajpai, Sir Girja, 115–116, 183, 186–187, 203
- Balkans, Soviet policy toward, 101
- Ballivian, Rene, 535–536
- Baltra, Alberto, 597–600
- Bancroft, Harding, 8, 12, 22n , 265, 298–299, 301n
- Barber, Willard F., 454n , 458, 541n , 543–544, 662, 665, 667, 718–720, 729, 760–761, 767, 770–771
- Barkley, Alben, 65n , 483
- Barreto, Gen. João Carlos, 554n
- Barro, José C., 490, 507
- Basdevant, Jules D., 209
- Batista y Zaldivar, Fulgencio, 631
- Batlle Berres, Luis, 788–791, 793–794
- Bauer Paiz, Alfonso, 653n , 661
- Bay, Charles U., 263, 272
- Beaulac, Willard L., 603–605, 609–611, 616–621
- Bebler, Aleš, 246
- Belaunde, Victor Andrés, 217, 774
- Belgian Congo, 345n , 356
- Belgium (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.), 50n , 120, 268, 271, 276, 279, 340, 353–354, 356, 366–367, 369, 373, 479
- Bellido, Abilio, 723
- Beltrán, Pedro, 776
- Bender, Albert F., 13
- Bennett, William T., 446–447, 701–703, 720–721
- Berendsen, Sir Carl, 212, 224, 226
- Berkemeyer, Fernando, 770, 772, 776–777, 779
- Berkner, Dr. Lloyd, 404
- Berlin blockade, 257
- Bermudez, Antonio J., 671–673, 675, 677, 685, 687n , 689, 700
- Bernardino, Felix W., 451, 453
- Bernier, Paul, 723
- Bertollo, Gen. Arturo, 534
- Betancourt, Romulo, 450–451
- Bethlehem Steel Company, 602n
- Bevin, Ernest, 84, 115, 247, 250–251
- Bieri, Vice Adm. Bernhard H., 9
- Blackett, P. M. S., 87
- Blaisdell, Donald C., 28–29
- Blanchard, Lee B., 10, 13
- Bloom, Sol, 3n , 45n
- Boettner, Luis O., 759–761
- Bohan, Merwin L., 543
- Bohlen, Charles E., 45n , 349n
- Bolivia:
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 431, 435
- Catavi mine strike, U.S. representations regarding trial and punishment of individuals for crimes at, 525, 545–546
- Defaulted dollar-bonded indebtedness, 546–547
- Export-Import Bank loan, proposed, 543–544, 547
- Lend-lease settlement, payments on, 547–548
- Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (MNR), 525–526, 528–529, 531–533, 535, 540–541
- Political situation, 525–532, 538
- Relations with: Argentina, 453, 484, 529, 532–533, 537–541, 601, 788; Chile, 539; Colombia, 621–622; Peru, 453, 532
- Tin sales to United States, 541–543
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 272, 279
- U.S. loans, request for, 544–545
- U.S. military equipment, request for, 526–531, 535–537, 539–541
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 525–548
- Bolte, Maj. Gen. Charles L., 397
- Bond, Niles W., 12
- Bonnet, Henri, 148
- Borberg, William, 214
- Bordas, Louis, 441
- Bosch, Juan, 444, 450, 456
- Bowers, Claude, 588, 591–596, 599–601, 602n
- Boyd, Aquilino, 724
- Boyd, Augusto S., 724
- Boykin, Samuel D., 10, 56–62
- Braden, Spruille, 266
- Bradshaw, Thomas, 657n , 661n
- Bramuglia, Juan Atilio, 474–503 passim, 510–511, 589, 783n , 784, 787
- Branco, Antonio Borges Leal Castello, 583
- Brannan, Charles F., 399n
- Braun, Horace, 699
- Brazil (see also
Country positions
under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace”
resolution, etc., and Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.):
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, opposition to, 431–435
- Argentina, relations with, 484, 572, 574–575
- Economic and financial situation, 513; Export-Import Bank loan, question of, 579; Federal Reserve Bank loan, 578, 585–586; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, question of loan from, 583–585; International Monetary Fund, dollar drawings from, 577–578, 585; U.S. assistance, 550–565, 573, 575–577, 583, 633, 696
- Inter-American Committee on Methods for Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts, 446
- Investment and taxation agreement with United States, negotiations concerning, 579–582, 584
- Joint Brazilian-U.S. Defense Commission, 568
- Joint Brazilian-U.S. Military Commission, 549, 567–568, 570–571
- Military assistance, U.S., question of, 549–551, 570, 572–573
- Paraguay, relations with, 747–748, 751, 756, 758, 760
- Petroleum reserves, development of, 674
- Treaty of friendship, economic development, and commerce with United States, proposed, 580–582, 584
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 279, 366
- U.N. Security Council, representation on, 266, 268, 276
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 549–587, 783
- Visit to United States by President Dutra, 565–566, 571–576, 585–586
- Brierly, James L., 375n
- Briggs, Ellis O., 780, 782–785, 788–791, 793, 800n
- Brignoli, José Julio, 509, 514–516
- Brin, Carlos N., 739–743
- British Commonwealth (see also United Kingdom), 106–107, 124–125, 153, 188, 204, 217–219, 234, 240, 269
- British Honduras, Guatemalan claim to, 431–432
- Brooks, Clarence, 577
- Broustra, Vincent, 23, 27, 216, 218, 358–361, 368
- Brown, Benjamin H., 9, 12, 71
- Brown, Elizabeth A., 13
- Brown, Willson W., 715, 716n
- Brown, Winthrop G., 581–582, 597–598
- Bruce, David K. E., 357–358
- Bruce, Howard, 478, 481–482, 503
- Bruce, James, 404–405, 473–499 passim, 505–506, 509, 510n , 784–785, 787
- Bryant, Robert J., 463
- Budget, (U.S.) Bureau of the, 3, 45, 397, 609
- Bulgaria, 14, 82, 258
- Bulhoes, Octavio Gouvêa de, 553, 579–581, 584, 580–587
- Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, 707
- Burma, 142n , 163, 191, 206, 226, 280, 372
- Burnett, Philip M., 12
- Burns, Sir Alan, 340, 343n , 345, 347
- Bustamante y Rivero, José Luís, 767
- Butler, Robert, 462–466, 623, 625–629, 631–633, 640–642, 645–646, 801
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 22n , 179–181, 210, 281, 283, 286n
- “Buy American” Act, 405
- Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, 16, 142n , 219, 252, 256, 261, 280
- Caballero, Gen. Francisco, 761
- Caballero, Rigoberto, 761
- Caballero Alvarez, Lt. Col. Abdon, 761
- Cabot, John M., 12, 26, 131
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 100, 104–105, 113, 126, 135–137, 145, 147–148, 151, 154–155, 157–158, 163, 165–166, 169–172, 205–207, 211, 214, 224, 247, 255, 322–324, 326–330
- Cady, John C., 597, 671
- Cafiero, Antonio F., 514
- Cairo declaration (1943), 174
- Cale, Edwin G., 729n
- Campbell, John C., 12
- Canada (see also
Country positions
under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace”
resolution, etc., and
Country positions
under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.):
- Agreements with the United States respecting:
- Communications with Alaska, proposals regarding, 398–399
- Copper sales to United States, 598
- Devaluation of Canadian dollar, 400n
- Elections, 393–394, 399, 401
- Immigration and customs incidents, 405
- Joint U.S.-Canadian Industrial Mobilization Committee, 398
- Liberal Party, 401
- Military procurement, U.S. and Canadian, 394–405 passim
- Newfoundland base agreements, proposed revision of, 395–396, 400–402, 405–406
- Permanent Joint Board on Defense, 397–398, 404–405, 410
- St. Lawrence Seaway project, Canadian interest in, 395–397, 402–403, 643
- Tariff negotiations with United States, 393–394, 396, 400
- Trade with United States, 394–395
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 272, 279, 291, 310, 334
- U.N. Security Council, member of, 235, 238, 241–242, 252, 266, 268, 275–276, 285
- Visit to the United States by Canadian Prime Minister, 393–396
- Wheat: ECA offshore procurement of, 395, 399–400; sales to United Kingdom, 479–480
- Canham, Erwin D., 5, 9
- Cannon, Cavendish, 247–248
- Cárdenas, Lázaro, 631
- Cargo, William I., 12
- Carias Andino, Tiburcio, 465
- Caribbean area, U.S. support of Inter-American collective action for peaceful settlement of disputes in, 437–468
- Caribbean Commission, 343, 370
- Caribbean Legion, activities of, 444–449, 454–455, 458, 460, 462–466, 534, 665
- Carter, Henry H., 224
- Carter, Brig. Gen. Marshall S., 45n
- Casanova, José M., 628–629
- Case, Everett, 160n , 161n
- Case Tractor Company, 490
- Castro, Juan F., 490
- Cereijo, Ramon A., 490
- Ceylon, 292n , 372
- Chang, P. C., 172
- Chanis, Daniel, 721–726, 730, 732, 735–736, 741
- Charles, Joseph D., 440–444
- Chauvel, Jean, 23, 100, 104–106, 113–114, 116–117, 126, 145, 147–148, 151, 154–155, 158, 163–164, 166, 169–173, 209, 213, 226, 247, 323–330
- Chávez, Federico, 749, 754, 756, 759–763
- Chen Tien-fan, 172
- Chiang Kai-shek, 162, 166, 170–171, 175, 180, 188
- Chiang Kai-shek, Mme., 162n
- Chiari, Roberto, 722–725, 732
- Chile (see also
County positions
under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace”
resolution, etc., and
Country positions
under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.):
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 431
- Copper taxes, proposed increase in, 591, 593; U.S. excise tax, 595–597
- Economic situation, 590–592, 594–595; U.S. assistance, question of, 592, 595–596, 599, 601–602
- Export-Import Bank loan, 602
- GATT violations, charges regarding, 593–594, 596, 598
- OAS Council, 441n
- Political situation, 600–601
- Relations with: Argentina, 533–534, 538, 588–589, 596, 601; Bolivia, 539; Colombia, 622; Paraguay, 758; U.S., 588–602
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 121, 268, 279
- China (see also Chinese Communists; Dairen; Manchuria; Port Arthur, etc.; Sinkiang, etc.; Taiwan; Country positions under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace” resolution, etc.; and United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.): White Paper, 145, 147, 155, 158, 165, 170, 175–176, 183–184, 189, 193, 195, 199
- Chinese Communists (see also under United Nations: General Assembly and Security Council): Establishment of government, 197, 288n ; international treaties, question regarding acceptance of, 203; recognition, question of, 153, 156, 158, 162–168, 170, 173, 182–185, 187–188, 194, 197, 206, 209, 212, 214–216, 219–220, 224–226, 230, 282, 284, 286, 288–289; Soviet policy toward, 156, 162, 288; Soviet supply of arms and ammunition to, charges regarding, 149, 152, 165–169, 186, 188, 191, 210, 220, 289–290; taxation of official foreign properties, 179–180; victory of, 82–83, 145, 151, 192–193, 206, 235; Ward case, 206
- Chou En-lai, 206
- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, 412
- Civil Aeronautics Board, 407–408, 410, 412–414
- Clark, DuWayne, 566n , 571–572, 574n , 581–585
- Clark, Lew B., 677–682
- Clark, Lewis, 12, 26, 145–147, 156–157, 287
- Clark, Thomas C., 58, 62
- Cohen, Benjamin V., 4–5, 9, 12, 14, 77, 130–133, 231–232, 251–252
- Colombia:
- Agreements with the United States concerning:
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 432, 435
- Bolivian démarche, proposed, 621–622
- Bonded indebtedness, payments on, 613
- Double taxation treaty with the United States, negotiations regarding, 612
- Economic and financial situation, 610–611; U.S. assistance, 605, 610, 613, 620–621
- Elections, 584, 616–617, 619, 622n
- Electric Bond and Share, question of reimbursement of, 621
- Export-Import Bank loan, 605, 607, 610, 620–621
- Inter-American Economic Conference at Buenos Aires, 428–429
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Loan, 605, 607, 620–621; mission to Colombia, 613, 620
- Lend-lease settlement, negotiations concerning, 613n
- Military assistance, U.S., 603–609
- Political situation, 608–609, 616–622
- Protestant missionaries, treatment of, 612–613
- Relations with: Argentina, 619, 622; Chile, 622; Cuba, 619; Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, 622; Peru, 622, 772–775; Uruguay, 622
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, draft, 611–612
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 110, 142n , 217, 279
- U.N. Security Council, representation on, 266, 276
- U.S. relations with, 603–622
- Colomo, José, 671
- Colonial Air Line, 403, 407–416
- Commerce, (U.S.) Department of, 482, 507n , 602, 671
- Committee on Problems of Dependent Areas (CDA) of Department of State, 343n , 370
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 627–630
- Compton, Wilson M., 14, 125, 131–132
- Congress (U.S.):
- Atomic Energy Act of 1946, 125
- “Buy American” Act, 405
- China question, 175, 193, 195
- Civil air agreement with Canada, problems concerning, 408–409
- Excise tax on copper, proposed, 596–597
- Executive agreements, sanction of, 643
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 3n , 42, 47
- House of Representatives, 14, 46, 55, 63, 67, 376, 666n
- House Ways and Means Committee, 67
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act, 404, 528, 551, 570, 606, 608–609
- Panama, U.S. policy toward, 745
- St. Lawrence Seaway project, 403
- Senate, 1–3, 4n , 15, 34, 42, 46, 54–55, 57, 63, 74, 86, 134, 376, 379–380, 383–385, 389–391, 403, 408, 419–421, 424–425, 429, 643, 666n , 705, 794
- Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 408
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 3n , 14, 32n , 42, 44, 47, 58, 403, 419, 786
- Sugar legislation, 644
- Tax powers, 41
- Trade Agreements Act, renewal of 71, 400, 666
- Treaty ratification, 376, 378–380
- United Nations:
- Action on major agreements respecting, 382–384 passim
- Genocide convention, 388–389
- Privileges and immunities of, convention on, 39–40, 42–46, 51, 54–58, 63–71, 382
- Strengthening of U.N. charter, 32, 137; Thomas-Douglas resolution, 33; Vandenberg resolution, June 11, 1948, 32, 34–35
- U.N. Participation Act of 1945, amendment of, 2–3, 4n , 15
- U.S. representation to, 3, 20
- Connally, Tom, 3n , 15, 193, 577
- Cooney, James D., 489
- Cooper, John Sherman, 12, 14, 125, 131–132, 231, 251, 310n
- Coradin, Jean, 445
- Cordier, Andrew W., 155, 212, 257–258
- Corliss, James C., 514, 577, 581, 585
- Corner, F. H., 27, 226, 368
- Corominas, Enrique, 440
- Corrêa e Castro, Pedro Luis, 553
- Corrigan, Frank P., 9, 12
- Corse, Carl D., 615–616
- Cortina, José Manuel, 643
- Costa du Rels, Adolfo, 539
- Costa Rica: American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435; American treaty on pacific settlement (pact of Bogota), ratification of, 424; Caribbean Legion, activities of, 445–447, 464–465; Dominican Republic, relations with, 453; economic agreement of Bogotá, ratification of, 425; Inter-American Peace Committee, 454n ; Nicaragua, dispute with (1948), 451–453, 460; OAS Council, 442; pact of amity with Nicaragua, Feb. 21, 436, 453; Paraguay, recognition of new government in, 757–758; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 110, 142n , 272, 279, 363; U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 252, 256
- Coulter, James W., 795
- Council of Foreign Ministers, meetings at Paris of, 81, 572
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 111, 113
- Crain, Earl T., 462–466
- Crawford, Boyd, 12
- Crawford, William A., 9
- Creech Jones, Arthur, 340
- Crespo, Caniel, 725
- Crittenberger, Lt. Gen. W. D., 9, 12
- Crosser, Robert, 674–675, 687
- Cruz Alonso y Rodriguez, 462–464
- Cuba (see also
Country positions
under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.):
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 432, 435
- Cayo Confites matter (1947), 437, 438, 441, 452
- Communist activities, 627, 629, 631–632, 637
- Currency stabilization, request for U.S. loan for, 639–640, 645–646
- Debts to foreign companies, liquidation of, 625–626
- Economic and technical assistance, U.S., 623–625, 630–631, 638–640, 645–646
- Establishment and economic development, draft convention, 623–625, 637–639, 641, 646
- Export-Import Bank loan, question of, 624
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 437, 446, 454n , 458, 467, 774n
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, question of loan from, 624
- Recognition of new government of Panama, 734n , 741
- Relations with: Colombia, 619; Dominican Republic, 437–438, 453, 460, 631–632
- Sugar: British purchase of, 630; U.S. purchases, negotiations regarding, 627–630; U.S. quota and tariff preferences, 632–633, 635–636, 640–644
- Sugar Stabilization Institute, 627n , 628–629
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 279, 386
- U.N. Security Council, member of, 285
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 623–646
- Curaçao, 796
- Currie, Lauchlin, 613
- Czechoslovakia (see also Security Council, elections, etc., under United Nations: General Assembly), 52, 79, 142n , 219, 263, 272, 280, 363
- Dairen, 146–147, 150–151, 165, 167, 181, 188, 195
- Daniels, Paul C., 419–420, 435, 443, 451–454, 457–459, 461, 467–468, 483, 485, 499–501, 574, 586, 591, 603–604, 606, 609, 650–651, 712–713, 746–747, 750–753, 780–781, 783n , 785–788, 791
- Da Silva, Edmundo Barbosa, 574
- Davis, Bainbridge C., 590–592, 597–601
- Davis, Monnett B., 701–744 passim
- Dawson, William, 780n
- Dearborn, Henry, 500–504
- De Courcy, William E., 438–439
- Defense, (U.S.) Department of (National Military Establishment), 3, 397–398, 401–402, 404, 410, 526–527, 551, 570, 703–704, 710, 713–715, 720–721, 744–745
- de la Colina, Rafael, 671–672, 675, 685–686
- De la Guardia, Ernesto, 725
- De la Guardia, Ricardo Adolfo, 723–724
- de la Tournelle, Guy, 324
- Del Campo, Sohar R., 488n
- de Margerie, Jacquin. see Jacquin de Margerie, Roland.
- Dening, Maberly E., 159, 179–180
- Denmark, 50n , 119, 121, 214, 224, 272–274, 280, 310, 354–355, 366
- De Palma, Samuel, 9, 12
- Dependent Areas. see Committee on Problems of Dependent Areas, etc.
- Deringer, Dewitt C., 527
- Despradel, Arturo, 463
- Desvernine, Eugene, 460–461, 637–640
- Diaz, Temistocles, 725
- Diaz Arosemena, Domingo, 701–702, 710–712, 721n , 724–726, 730, 733
- Díaz Dulanto, Federico, 766–767
- Domínguez Cámpora, Alberto, 483, 485n , 780, 785–793
- Dominican Republic:
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, 431, 435
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 454, 458–459, 461, 468
- Invasion attempt at Luperón, 451–457
- Relations with: Costa Rica, 453; Cuba, 437–438, 453, 631–632; Guatemala, 453, 459, 461; Haiti, 438–446, 453, 468; Mexico, 453
- Sugar, proposed reduction of U.S. duty on, 632–636
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 279
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 647
- Donnelly, Walter J., 449–450, 795–797
- Donovan, Howard, 186–187
- Doughton, Robert L., 65n , 71
- Douglas, Paul H., 33
- Dreier, John C., 12, 24–26, 110, 116, 124, 130, 133–135, 139–140, 262–263, 370, 785, 791–793
- Drew, Gerald, 12
- Dulles, John Foster, 4–5, 9, 77, 138
- Dunn, William E., 9
- Duran, Antonio Roman, 456
- Dutra, Eurico Gaspar, 549–552, 554–555, 560, 565–567, 569–576, 579, 581, 585–586
- Eagleton, Clyde, 375
- Eakens, Robert H. S., 671–673, 698–699
- Echandía, Darío, 618n , 622n
- Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) (U.S.), 395, 399–400, 475, 478–483, 488, 490, 502–504, 506–507, 510, 518, 583, 592
- Ecuador (see also
Country positions
under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc., and
Security Council, elections, etc., under
United Nations: General Assembly
and under
United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.):
- Agreements with United States respecting: U.S. military aviation mission to Ecuador, Mar. 23 and May 17, 470; U.S. Naval mission to Ecuador, Jan. 27 and Feb. 4, 470
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435
- Relations with: Argentina, 538; Colombia, 622
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 272, 279
- Egypt (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.), 142n , 267–268, 276, 279, 285, 336, 360, 363, 366
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 642–645
- Electric Bond and Share, 621
- El-Khouri, Faris, 217
- Elliott, John C., 767–768
- El Salvador: Agreement with United States respecting detail of military officer to serve as director of military school and of military academy of El Salvador, Apr. 27 and June 20, 471; American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward 435; Council of Revolutionary Government, establishment of diplomatic relations by United States with, 648; political situation, 748–750; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 124, 142n , 279; U.S. political and economic relations with, 648
- Engels, Friedrich, 186
- Espy, James, 525–533, 535–536, 538n , 544, 546–548
- Esquivel, Mario, 446–447
- Esso Standard Oil Company, 764–765
- Estimé, Dumarsais, 438n , 439, 443, 468
- Estrada, Genaro, 484
- Estrada doctrine on recognition, 484
- Ethiopia, 142n , 272, 279, 310
- European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) (ERP), 474, 479–480, 508, 518, 560, 627n
- Evatt, Herbert V., 171
- Export-Import Bank of Washington, 476, 502, 504, 516–517, 543–544, 547, 556, 561–562, 575, 579, 584, 586–587, 595, 599, 602, 605, 607, 610, 620–621, 624, 671–677, 682–688, 693–700
- Fabrega, Col. Rogelio, 722–723, 730
- Fack, Robert, 226
- Fahy, Charles, 12, 14, 125, 231, 252
- Faison, Haywood R., 613
- Falkland Islands, 121, 431
- Far East, 101, 167, 171, 174, 183, 191, 197, 202, 204–205, 208, 221, 228–232, 240, 606
- Far East Consultants (Fosdick and Case), 160n , 161
- Faro Júnior, Luis P. F. de, 774
- Faucett, Elmer, 768
- Fawcett, J. E. S., 311–314, 317, 324, 326
- Fawzi, Mahmoud, 192
- Federal Reserve Bank (U.S.), 578, 585, 602, 681
- Federal Reserve Board (U.S.), 585
- Federal Works Agency (U.S.), 704
- Feller, A. H., 286–287
- Fernandes, Raul, 565, 571–572, 574–577
- Fernández, Eufernio, 460, 461n
- Ferreyros Ayulo, Alfredo, 777
- Figueres, José, 450, 460–461
- Flesher, Carl W., 613
- Fletcher-Cooke, J., 340, 348, 353
- Flores, Maj. Saturnino, 722, 724, 730
- Food and Agriculture Organization U.N., 336, 379, 382
- Ford, Aaron, 396
- Ford, J. F., 179
- Ford Motor Company, 490
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 546, 613
- Formosa. see Taiwan.
- Forrestal, James, 710, 712
- Fortuny Arana, José M., 655, 663
- Fosdick, Dorothy, 22n , 370
- Fosdick, Raymond B., 160n , 161n
- Fox, Ernest F., 243
- France (see also French subheadings under individual countries and specific subjects), participation in U.N. General Assembly, 50n , 271, 279, 285, 310, 353–354, 357–361, 366–367, 373
- Franks, Sir Oliver S., 370–374
- Free, Lloyd A., 7, 9
- Freeman, Fulton, 179–181, 286
- Freers, Edward, 12, 115n , 116–123, 297–298
- Freitas-Valle, Cyro de, 110, 113, 117–120, 122, 126–128, 583
- French, David, 12
- French Indochina, 153, 194, 206
- Frutos, Juan Manuel, 747, 749, 758, 760
- Galbraith, Willard, 404
- Galich, Manuel, 663
- Gallegos, Romulo, 797, 799–801
- Galsworth, A. N., 340–341
- Gans, Oscar, 447n , 460–461, 627–628, 630, 637–639
- Garcia, Juan Rodriguez, 456
- Garreau, Roger, 194
- Gaston, Herbert E., 693–696
- General Motors, 490, 513
- George, Walter F., 65n
- Gerberich, Albert H., 611–614, 620n
- Gerig, O. Benjamin, 9, 12, 175, 343n , 347–348, 353
- Germany, 81, 101
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 359n
- Goldhart, van Heuven, 111–112
- Gomez, Maj. Alfredo, 724
- Gómez, Laureano, 617–619, 622n , 774
- Gómez, Rodrigo, 678–682
- Gómez Morales, Alfredo, 481
- Gómez Ruiz, Luis E., 449–451
- González, Juan Natalicio, 746–749, 753, 757–759, 762
- González, Moreno, 754
- González Arévalo, Ismael, 458–461, 467, 661–667, 669–670
- González Videla, Gabriel, 539, 588–589, 591–596, 601
- Gough, Betty C., 10, 13
- Grafstrom, Sven, 111, 226, 272–273
- Graña Garland, Francisco, 774
- Greece (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.), 142n , 257–258, 272, 279, 294, 304, 310, 359n , 606
- Greene, Joseph, 12
- Greenup, Julian C., 488
- Griffis, Stanton, 518–520
- Griffiths, John, 533
- Gromyko, Andrey Andreyevich, 81, 266, 269–271
- Gross, Ernest A., 5, 14–15, 61, 396
- Guam, 352
- Guatemala: Agreement with the United States concerning military air transit, Dec. 20, 649; American Committee on Dependent Territories, support for the, 431–432, 435; anti-Dominican revolutionary activities in, 444–445, 454–457; British Honduras, claim to, 431–432; Caribbean Legion, activities of, 444–445, 448–449, 454–455, 665; Communist activities, 651–652, 661–663; Dominican Republic, relations with, 453; flood disaster, U.S. relief efforts for, 667–670; Institute of Inter-American Affairs, program of, 664; Inter-American Peace Committee, 454n , 459, 461, 467–468; International Railway of Central America, treatment of, 653, 656–662, 664; United Fruit Company, treatment of, 653–654, 667; United Nations, matters concerning, 142n , 279, 291, 665; U.S. airbases, transfer to Guatemalan government of, 649; U.S. military assistance, question of, 649; U.S. military attaché office, reopening of, 649; U.S. political and economic relations with, 650–670
- Gubitchev, Valentin A., 45n
- Güell, Gonzalo, 438, 459
- Guerra, José Antonio, 637, 639–640
- Gutiérrez Garbin, Victor M., 655
- Haiti:
- Agreements with United States concerning: U.S. Air Force mission to Haiti, Jan. 4, 471; U.S. Naval mission to Haiti, Apr. 14, 471
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 438–446, 453, 468
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 454n
- Roland affair, 439–440, 442–443, 446
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 196, 279, 291
- U.S. duties on sugar, proposed reduction of, 633
- Hajdu, Vavro, 261–262
- Halderman, John B., 12
- Hall, Carlos C., 717, 725
- Hall, William O., 12
- Hanson, Haldore, 12
- Harmon, Lt. Gen. H. R., 9, 12
- Harriman, W. Averell, 606
- Hassett, William D., 799
- Hauch, Charles C., 463n
- Havana resolution of 1940, 443
- Hawaii, 136–137, 352
- Haya de la Torre, Victor Raul, 772–775
- Hayes, Samuel P., 585
- Henderson, Loy W., 183, 187
- Henkin, Louis, 47–53
- Hensel, H. Struve, 482
- Herbruger, Arturo, 661
- Hershey Corporation, 625–626
- Hertzog, Enrique, 525n
- Hevía, Carlos, 437–438, 623–625, 628, 630–632, 637–638
- Hickerson, John D.:
- Appointment as Assistant Secretary of State for U.N. Affairs, 1
- Views regarding: Sino-Soviet treaty, 151, 155, 166, 169, 183–185, 291; U.N. membership question, 298, 301n ; U.N. Security Council, elections to, 241–242, 244–245, 247, 250–255, 274; U.N. trusteeship matters, 353, 368–370; U.S. policy toward United Nations, 24, 26–28, 29n , 85–87, 89–90, 104–106, 109–113, 116, 125, 130–132; U.S. representation at the United Nations, 11–12, 14
- Hiss, Alger, 267
- Hoffman, Paul G., 399
- Holmes, John, 161
- Holmes, Julius C., 159, 357
- Holy see. see Vatican.
- Honduras, 110, 142n , 279, 429, 435
- Hong Kong, 153, 181, 203, 214, 216–218
- Hoo, Victor Chitsai, 154, 158, 175–176, 185
- Hood, J. D. L., 111, 207, 211–213, 218
- Hopper, Paul L., 795
- Houston, Hill, 514
- Howard, Harry N., 12, 26–27
- Hu Shih, 176, 188
- Hudson, William P., 544
- Hull, Cordell, 714
- Hulten, Charles M., 62
- Humelsine, Carlyle, 396
- Hungary, 14, 82
- Hussey, Lt. Col. John J., 535–536
- Hyde, James N., 9, 12, 79, 311, 324–330
- Hyde, Louis K., 9, 12
- Hyderabad, 244
- Iceland, 129, 142n , 226, 273, 279, 333
- Illanes, Mario, 597–598
- India (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.), participation in U.N. matters, 106, 115–116, 122, 163, 266, 280, 358, 366, 369, 386
- Indonesia, 83, 145, 289, 315
- Inner Mongolia, 174, 199
- Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 664, 734, 768
- Inter-American Committee on Methods for Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts (see also Inter-American Peace Committee), 437, 441, 443, 446, 453
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security, Rio de Janeiro (1947), 572n , 781n , 786, 792
- Inter-American Defense Board, 568
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 425–429
- Inter-American Economic Conference at Buenos Aires, postponement of, 424–425, 427–429
- Inter-American military cooperation act, proposed, 397
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 437n , 454, 457–462, 467, 774n
- Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements, 614–616, 690–693
- Interior, (U.S.) Department of the, 399, 671
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 32, 502, 547, 563, 595, 601, 624, 670; question of loan to Brazil, 556, 575, 583–584; question of loan to Colombia, 605, 607, 613, 620–621
- International Civil Aviation Organization, 336
- International Conference of American States (Ninth), Bogotá, Mar. 30–May 2, 1948, 419, 424–425, 430–432, 434, 573, 639, 652, 732n , 747n , 798
- International Court of Justice, 33, 91, 137–138, 169, 334, 337, 367–369, 389, 422–423; advisory opinion on Haya case, 774–775; question of referral of Chinese charge regarding Soviet treaty violation to, 174, 188, 190–191, 193–195, 198, 209, 212, 222–223; referral of membership questions to, 292, 303–304, 306–310, 312
- International Harvester, 490
- International Labor Organization, 336, 766–767, 789, 799–800; fourth conference of American States members of, Montevideo, Apr. 25–May 8, 766–767, 789, 799–800
- International law, matters pertaining to the development and codification of, 375–384
- International Monetary Fund, 502, 557, 562–563, 577–578, 585, 601, 607, 640, 679
- International Organizations Immunities Act (1945), 40, 382
- International Refugee Organization, 573
- International Sugar Conference at London, 642
- International Tin Committee, 542
- International Trade Conference at Havana (1947–1948), 641
- International Trade Organization, 771
- International Wheat Conference, 765
- Iran, 142n , 226, 266, 279, 606
- Iraq, 142n , 226, 252, 279, 309–310, 336, 340
- Ireland, 292n , 310
- Israel, 14, 27, 142n , 196, 217, 280, 289–291, 310, 332, 334–338
- Italian colonies. see under United Nations: General Assembly.
- Italy, 292n , 293, 296–298, 300–304, 308–309, 479
- Jacobs, Joseph E., 261–262
- Jacquin de Margerie, Roland, 154
- Jamison, Edward A., 446, 459–462, 738–739, 774n , 775n , 792
- Japanese peace treaty or settlement, 81, 165, 174, 181
- Jayanama, Phairote, 224, 226
- Jebb, Sir H. M. Gladwyn, 357
- Jessup, Philip C., 3–5, 9, 12, 14, 26, 78, 90–92, 95, 111, 130, 148, 160–161, 173–177, 184, 187–189, 191–194, 197, 202–232, passim, 249–251, 257, 263, 273, 401
- Jiménez, Enrique A., 729–730, 736
- Jimenez, José E., 725
- Jimenez, Ramón, 723
- Johnson, Herschel V., 296, 549, 565–567, 569–571, 581
- Johnson, Louis, 549n , 713–715, 744
- Johnson, Richard A., 545
- Joint Chiefs of Staff: Brazil, U.S. base rights in, 549n , 567–568, 570–571; Newfoundland, U.S. bases in, 405; Panama, U.S. defense sites in, 703–704, 710; Uruguay, U.S. policy toward, 780n ; visit to Europe, 82, 84
- Jooste, G. P., 111–112, 272–273
- Jordaan, Jan R., 224
- Junagadh, 244
- Juncosa Seré Julio M., 509, 516–517
- Justice, (U.S.) Department of, 64, 410
- Kan Chieh-hou, 172
- Kardelj, Edvard, 250n , 253–254
- Kashmir question, 3, 235–236, 242–243
- Katz, Sam, 685
- Katz-Suchy, Juliusz, 263
- Kauffmann, Henrik, 111, 116, 119, 122, 126, 272–274
- Kaufman, Arthur, 13
- Kaul, T. N., 242
- Kee, John, 45n
- Kellogg, Edmund H., 12
- Kennan, George F., 15–22, 123, 160n , 164, 176–179
- Kennecott Copper Company, 592, 598
- Kerno, Ivan, 48
- Kidder, Randolph A., 13
- King, Shelden, 548n
- King, Spencer M., 538–541
- Kirk, Alan G., 80–83
- Kirlin, Florence, 45n
- Klein, Julius, 778n
- Klosson, Boris H., 9
- Knapp, J. Burke, 543, 566, 578, 585–587
- Kohler, Foy D., 72n
- Koo, V. K. Wellington, 149–151, 157–158, 168, 266, 271
- Kopper, Samuel K. C., 7–9, 13, 242–243, 370
- Korea, 3, 14, 83, 93, 128, 137, 174–175, 606
- Kosanović, Sava, 254–255
- Krentz, Kenneth C., 9
- Krieg, William L., 590n , 600
- Kull, Robert I., 9
- Kung, Mme. H. H., 162n
- Kuomintang, 170–171, 196
- Kural, Adnan, 226
- Kyle, Edwin J., 445
- Kyrou, Alexis, 212, 217, 227
- Labouisse, Henry R., 395, 402–406, 478
- Laissez-passer. see under United Nations.
- Lange, Halvard M., 216, 218, 272
- La Rue, G. Wallace, 722–725
- Laskey, Denis S., 113, 224, 324
- Latin American countries (see also Country positions under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace” resolution, etc.), 480
- League of Nations, 305, 344n
- Lebanon, 226, 232, 252, 279, 336
- Lechin, Juan, 540
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 186
- L’Heureux, Herve, 59–62
- Li Tsung-jen, 162n , 172, 180, 188
- Liberia, 142n , 224, 226, 279, 310, 356, 363
- Lie, Trygve, 56, 154–155, 158, 163, 175, 185, 246, 253–254, 256–258, 260, 280–281
- Linares, Frank, 467, 649, 665, 667, 669–670
- Liu Sze-hsun, 172
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 603–604, 617–619
- Lobenstine, J. C., 779n
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 767–768
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 178n
- Lombardo Toledano, Vincent, 631
- Londoño y Londoño, Fernando, 217
- Lopez, Salvador P., 215
- López Pumaréjo, Alfonso, 616–617
- Loridan, Walter, 356
- Lovett, Robert A., 38–45, 400, 419–420, 478, 481, 588–589, 702–705, 710n , 713, 784, 787
- Lucas, Scott, 14–15
- Lucero, Franklin, 534
- Lugard, Lord, 344
- Luxembourg, 142n , 224, 272
- Macao, 153
- MacDonald, Charnaud, 663
- Maceo, Rafael, 463–466
- Machado, Gerardo, 632
- Maffitt, Edward P., 9, 13, 60
- Magill, Robert N., 179
- Magnuson, Warren G., 399
- Makin, Norman J. O., 211–212
- Maktos, John, 13
- Malenbaum, Wilfred, 585–586, 601, 671–672
- Malik, Charles, 116, 118–119, 121, 123, 125–128
- Malik, Jacob A., 76, 324–330
- Mallorquin, Mario, 754
- Mallory, Lester DeWitt, 509, 533–535
- Mañas, Arturo M., 628, 640–645
- Manchuria: Chinese rights in, 159, 167, 177–178, 210, 219–220; Japanese influence, question of, 178; Soviet denial of railroads to Chinese Govvernment troops, 147, 152, 188; (Soviet removal of industries from, 147, 152, 167; Soviet rights in, 156, 173–174, 177–178, 199, 208–209, 223; Soviet trade agreement with, 146, 168; Soviet turnover of Japanese military matériel to Chinese Communists, 147
- Mangano, Philip A., 13
- Mann, Thomas C., 729n
- Manuilsky, Dmitri Z., 296n
- Mao Tse-tung, 176, 186, 206
- Marcy, Carl, 45n
- Markos, Vafiades, 289
- Maroglio, Orlando D., 473–475
- Marshall, George C., 6n , 146, 166, 172, 181, 184, 385, 473, 488, 490, 606–607, 712–713
- Marshall Plan. see European Recovery Program.
- Martin, Edwin M., 687
- Martin, Paul J., 116, 118–119, 122, 126–129
- Martin, T. R., 512–514
- Martin, William McC., 578, 606, 639–640
- Martínez, Maximiliano Hernández, 464
- Martínez Vargas, Ricardo, 528n , 529n , 537–543, 546, 548, 621n
- Marx, Karl, 186
- Matheu, Jorgé, 652n
- Mathews, E. G., 235–237, 240–243
- Mayrand, Leon, 86
- McCulloch, Sheila, 265–267
- McDermott, Michael J., 722n
- McGhee, George C., 242–244
- McGinnis, Edgar L., 590–591, 764–766
- McKeever, Porter, 10, 13, 78, 116, 237, 252
- McNaughton, Lt. Gen. Andrew G. L., 86, 151, 158, 161–163, 166, 169–173, 244
- McNeil, Hector, 96, 98–99, 104–129 passim, 135–138, 191–192, 217–219, 225, 274, 360
- McSherry, Brig. Gen. Frank, 714
- Meade, C. A. Gerald, 179–180, 224
- Meeker, Leonard, 13
- Meijia-Palacio, Jorge, 608
- Mello-Franco, Afranio de, 571, 574
- Mena, Ortiz, 671
- Menon, Gopala M., 226
- Merchant, Livingston T., 155, 158n , 159, 179, 286n
- Messersmith, George S., 643
- Mexico (see also
Country positions
under United Nations: “Essentials of Peace”
resolution, etc., and
Country positions
under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc., and under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.):
- Agreements with the United States respecting: Air Force liaison officers, July 5, 471; Mexican agricultural workers in the United States, temporary employment of, Aug. 1, 686; stabilization of funds agreement of 1947, modification of, June 17, 679n
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435
- American treaty on pacific settlement (pact of Bogotá), 424
- Colombia, relations with, 622
- Compania Independente Mexicana-Americana (CIMA) contract with PEMEX (Pauley contract), Mar. 5, 676, 686, 689, 699n
- Currency stabilization program, 677–682
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 453
- Export-Import Bank loan to Petroleos Mexicanas (Pemex), discussions regarding, 671–677, 682–690, 693–700
- Expropriation of properties, question regarding compensation for, 672–673, 677, 682, 689, 693; Sabalo Transportation Company, 673, 684–685, 689
- Inter-American Committee on Methods for the Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts, 446
- Inter-American Economic Conference at Buenos Aires, 428
- OAS Council, 441n
- Petroleos Mexicanas. see Export-Import Bank loan, etc., supra,
- Silver sales, 680–682
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 263, 279, 309, 360, 363, 366
- U.N. Security Council, member of, 266, 268, 276
- U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 252, 256, 340–341
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 477–478, 666, 671–700
- Meyer, Joaquin E., 466–467
- Midkiff, Harold, 574–577
- Military assistance program (U.S.), 82, 84–85, 397, 469, 568
- Millard, Hugh, 356
- Miller, Edward G., 460, 466–467, 509–513, 516–518, 520, 538–544, 581, 583–584, 594, 599, 601–602, 611, 618–620, 649, 656–660, 662–667, 686–687, 693n , 696–698, 720–722, 725n , 727–729, 734n , 738, 740–741, 743, 772, 793
- Mills, Sheldon T., 544–545, 548n , 590n , 601–602, 605, 608, 764n , 769n , 772–775
- Mills, William H. A., 10, 13
- Mindszenty, Cardinal, 7
- Miranda, Miguel, 473–475
- Miro, Gregorio, 723
- Molas López, Felipe, 748–749, 753–760, 762
- Mollinedo, Alfredo, 527–528
- Mongolia, Inner, 174, 199
- Mongolian People’s Republic (Outer Mongolia), 167, 293n , 304
- Monod, Guy H. F., 357–358
- Monsma, George N., 5n , 458
- Montes, Jorge Rivas, 456
- Mora, José A., 790n
- Morales, Angel, 463
- Morínigo, Gen. Higinio, 746–747, 753
- Morris, Maj. Gen. William H. H., 549, 567–569
- Mountain, Joseph W., 613
- Munitions Board (U.S.), 541, 598
- Munoz, Rodolfo, 118, 139–140, 316–317
- Muñoz Meany, Enrique, 445, 448, 455–456, 661, 664
- Musgrave, Richard A., 613
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 397–398, 404, 528, 540n , 551, 568, 570, 606, 608–609, 769
- Myers, Lawrence, 627–628
- Nabuco, Mauricio, 572n , 577, 581, 583–584
- Nash, Frank C., 13
- Natalicio González, Juan, 484
- National Advisory Council, 577, 601–602
- National City Bank of New York, 513, 625–626
- National Military Establishment. see Defense, (U.S.) Department of.
- National Security Act of 1947, 715
- National Security Council, 395, 795
- National Security Resources Board, 398, 671
- Nationality, evidence of, 52, 54, 57, 63
- Nauru, 362
- Navy, (U.S.) Department of the, 350, 703
- Near and Middle East, 82, 101, 203, 265, 267–268, 309, 606
- Nehru, Pandit Jawahralal, 116, 187
- Nepal, 291
- Netherlands, 50n , 142n , 226, 266, 268, 276, 279, 353, 366, 479
- New Zealand, 129, 142n , 212–213, 224, 226, 235, 241, 252, 272, 279, 333, 340, 353–355, 366
- Newcomer, F. K., 713, 731n
- Newfoundland, 395, 400–401, 405, 408, 410, 417
- Nicaragua: American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 431, 435; Costa Rica, dispute with (1948), 451–452, 460; OAS Council, 441n ; pact of amity with Costa Rica, Feb. 21, 436, 453; Paraguay, relations with, 758; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 279; U.S. policy, 752
- Nichols, Clarence W., 592
- Nieto del Rio, Felix, 589, 591–592, 594, 597–599, 601–602
- Nisot, Joseph, 27, 368–369
- Nitze, Paul H., 395, 400, 623–625
- Nogales, Alberto Saavedra, 526n , 527, 538n , 545
- Nolan, Louis C., 642–645
- Nonintervention policy of United States, 531–532, 534–535, 537–538, 540, 737–738
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 72–78, 81–82, 84–86, 204, 257, 359, 398, 405, 489–490, 495
- Norway, 120–121, 214–215, 218, 224, 226, 257, 263, 271–274, 280, 285, 310
- Notter, Harley, 13, 23, 111–116, 130–133, 135–140, 251, 267, 360
- Noyes, Charles P., 4, 9, 13, 104–107, 113, 116, 124, 130–133, 237, 295, 311–318, 321–324
- Nufer, Albert F., 516–517, 581, 637
- Nyun, S. K., 226
- Oakley, R. Kenneth, 749–750, 753, 780–783, 785, 790–793
- Obino, Gen. Salvador Cesar, 549, 551, 567, 569–571
- Ocampo, Gen. Germán, 605–607
- Ocampos, Bernardo, 760n
- Ocaña Vieto, Maj. Oscar, 722–723
- Odría, Gen. Manuel, 767, 769–770, 773n , 774, 776, 778–779
- Ohmans, John L., 760
- O’Leary, Juan Emilio, 748
- Open Door Policy, 160, 174–175
- Ordóñez, Díaz, 634–636
- Ordonneau, Pierre, 113, 212, 226, 314–318, 321, 324
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 482, 483n
- Organization of American States (OAS):
- Activities of, 439
- Charter, U.S. ratification of, 419, 421
- Costa Rican-Nicaraguan dispute (1948), 451
- Council, 430–431, 433–435
- Organ of Consultation of the American Republics, 440, 442, 453, 461–462, 468n , 485n , 781–782, 786, 791–792
- U.S. policy toward, 451, 568, 622, 768, 775
- Venezuelan policy toward, 450–451
- Ortiz de Zevallos, Emilio, 723, 732n
- Osborn, Frederick H., 13
- Ospina Perez, Mariano, 609–611, 617, 722n
- Ostria Gutierrez, Alberto, 538–541
- O’Toole, Richard F., 566n , 577, 585–587
- Outer Mongolia. see Mongolian People’s Republic.
- Owen, George H., 9, 13
- Padilla Nervo, Luis, 94, 96, 98–100, 107, 109, 126, 130, 133–135, 211, 214, 225, 228, 258
- Pakistan (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc., and under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.), 128, 142n , 280, 372
- Palau, Maj. Manuel, 722–723
- Palestine. see under United Nations and under United Nations: General Assembly.
- Palmer, Joseph, 9
- Pan American Airways, 654
- Pan American Union, 792
- Panama:
- Agreements and convention with the United States concerning:
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435
- Anti-American influences, 706–707
- Claims questions, 709, 734
- Colombia, relations with, 622
- Defense sites, U.S., proposed reopening of, 701–704, 710, 712–713, 720
- Economic agreement of Bogota, 429
- Political situation. 584, 706–707, 715–716, 722–733, 735–737
- Radio communications agreement with United States, proposed, 709
- Recognition of new government, question of, 722n , 726–729, 731–744
- Trans-Isthmian highway, U.S. responsibility for maintenance of, 704–705, 709, 716–718
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 110, 142n , 217, 272, 279, 291, 386
- U.S. relations: Break in diplomatic relations, 727n ; political and military relations, 701–745
- U.S. technical assistance to, 709
- Panama Canal, 608–609, 709, 714, 717, 731, 745n
- Panama Canal Zone, 351–353, 702n , 704, 706–709, 711, 713–715, 717–720, 729, 731, 744–745
- Panama Railroad, 709, 714, 745n
- Pandit, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi, 145n , 188, 238–239, 241–243
- Panikkar, K. M., 187
- Pao, Chun-jien, 192, 213
- Paraguay: American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 432, 435; Colombia, relations with, 622; policies of other American States toward Paraguay, 484, 574, 747–748, 751, 757–758, 760; political situation, 746–750, 753–760, 762; recognition of new government, 747–752, 754–763; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 279; U.S. political relations with, 746–763, 781
- Paranagua, Octavia, 579–581
- Parodi, Alexandre, 154, 315–316
- Parrott, J., 27, 126, 133n , 135–138, 368–369
- Parry, Clive, 375–376
- Patterson, Richard C., 444–445, 448–449, 649–650, 654–656, 658–661, 667–669
- Pauley, Edwin, 686
- Paulino Alvarez, Lt. Gen. Anselmo, 441
- Pawley, William D., 488, 490
- Paz, Hipólito Jesús, 510n , 511, 533–534
- Paz Estenssoro, Victor, 526, 540
- Pearson, Lester B., 107, 111, 219, 225, 401, 409–410, 414n
- Pellecer, Carlos Manuel, 651
- Perez, Virsilio, 628, 630n
- Perez Alfonzo, Juan Pablo, 795
- Perkins, George W., 402, 407–410
- Permanent Mandates Commission, 344
- Perón, Eva, 475, 487, 590, 510n , 520, 533n
- Perón, Juan D., 473–501 passim, 506, 510–511, 519–520, 533–535, 537, 539–540, 572, 589, 596, 784, 788–789
- Perrera, Amador, 456
- Peru: Agreement with the United States regarding U.S. Army mission to Peru, June 20, 472; American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435; Argentina, relations with, 533, 589, 764–766, 777; Bolivia, relations with, 453, 532; Colombia, relations with, 622, 772–775; commercial debts, discussions concerning payments on obligations on, 778–779; Klein mission, 778; labor policies, 766–767, 800; lend-lease settlement, question of, 769–770, 772, 775–779; military aircraft and naval vessels, U.S., proposed purchase of, 767–769; Paraguay, recognition of new government of, 757–758; petroleum legislation, 698; political situation, 748–750; sugar, U.S. duties on, proposed reduction of, 633, 635–636; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 142n , 188, 217, 228–229, 232, 279; U.N. Security Council, representation on, 268; U.S. political and economic relations with, 764–779; wheat credit, U.S., discussions concerning, 764–766,
- Pescatore, Pierre, 27, 368
- Peterson, Reuben E., 795
- Peurifoy, John E., 53, 56, 58–59, 785
- Philippines (see also Country positions under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc., and under United Nations: Sino-Soviet treaty, etc.), 239, 268, 272, 279, 363, 366, 606
- Pierrot, A. Ogden, 13, 512, 766–767
- Plasa Lasso, Galo, 237n , 618n
- Plimsoll, J., 27, 215, 221, 226, 228, 368
- Point Four Program, 85, 558, 560–561, 563, 593, 623–625, 638, 646
- Pol, Germán, 536–537
- Poland, 142n , 196, 219, 261, 266, 268, 272, 276, 279
- Political asylum, questions relating to, 772–775
- Popper, David H., 7–10, 13–14, 27–28, 78, 264–265, 290, 368–369
- Port Arthur, Soviet control over, 165, 181, 195
- Portugal, 292n
- Potter, Neil, 13
- Power, Thomas F., 10, 13, 59–61, 83–88, 257–258, 280–282
- Price, Byron, 155
- Price, Leonard H., 442–443, 454n
- Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 437, 445, 450, 460, 626, 628, 630–631, 633, 644–645
- Puerto Rico, 136–137, 352, 435
- Punjab water dispute between India and Pakistan, 244
- Quintanilla, Luis, 440n , 458, 461
- Radius, Walter A., 407
- Rahim Khan, Abdur, 212, 218
- Ramirez, Miguel A., 444, 446, 456
- Ramirez Duque, Jorge, 725
- Randolph, Archibald R., 747n , 760n , 762–763
- Rau, Sir Benegal N., 116, 119, 122, 126–127, 171, 191, 211, 215–216
- Ravndal, Christian M., 785, 788–790
- Ray, Guy W., 473–478, 480–494, 500–503, 506–507, 784–785
- Rayburn, Sam, 2, 38
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 7–9, 13, 23–24, 28–29, 79, 113–136 passim, 272–275, 298n , 348, 349n , 358–361, 368, 370
- Recognition of Communist China. see under Chinese Communists.
- Recognition policies of American Republics: Argentina, 484; Bolivia, 531–533, 535, 540–541; El Salvador, 648; Panama, 722–744 passim; Paraguay, 747–763; Venezuela, 798–799
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 542–543
- Reid, Thomas R., 715
- Reinhardt, F., 159–160
- Remón, Col. José A., 722–727, 730, 732, 736
- Remorino, Jerónimo, 482, 499–502, 504, 508–511, 516–520
- Restrepo-Jaramillo, Gonzalo, 603, 605, 608–609
- Reveley, Paul J., 671–672, 698, 720n
- Riddell, R. G., 27, 368
- Ridgway, Lt. Gen. Matthew D., 720–721, 731n
- Riesco, Germán, 588–589, 596, 600
- Rivera, Gen. Felipe M., 526–528, 530
- Rivilla, Gonzalez, 721
- Robbins, Robert R., 369
- Robeson, Paul, 82
- Rodríguez, José Horacio, 462, 464–465
- Rodríguez, Juan Garcia, 458, 462–465
- Rodríguez, liberate, 746n , 748–749, 754, 756
- Rodríguez, Marie, 588–589, 599n
- Roland, Astrel, 439–440, 442–443, 446
- Rolón, Raimundo, 746, 748–750, 753–754, 757, 762
- Romania, 14
- Romulo, Brig. Gen. Carlos P., 94–96, 98–99, 107, 109, 117, 145, 183–184, 191–192, 195–196, 211–212, 215, 239–240, 253, 258–260
- Rook, Sir William, 630
- Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.), 4–5, 9, 12, 14, 79, 131, 231, 250–251, 256–257, 280
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 780n
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 178n
- Rope, Frederick, 13
- Ross, John C., 3–4, 9, 13, 15, 77, 86–87, 93–94, 148–176 passim, 183, 185–186, 234–235, 237–238, 246, 250, 259–260, 353
- Royall, Kenneth, 703, 710, 712
- Runyon, Charles, 13
- Rusk, Dean, 1, 4–6, 8–9, 31, 61, 106, 149–151, 155n , 160n , 173, 176n , 177, 192, 217, 234–235, 241, 243n , 248–249, 280, 293n , 301n , 312n , 349n , 361n , 370n , 401–402, 408, 430, 435, 529n , 549–552, 586, 753n , 766n , 799–801
- Ryckmans, Pierre, 345, 356
- Saavedra, Carlos Gonzalo de, 527
- Saben-Clare, E. E., 340
- St. Laurent, Louis Stephen, 393–402, 414n
- Salazar, Joaquin, 440n , 451–453, 461
- Saldías, Adm. Roque, 769n
- Saldivar, J. Augusto, 754
- Sale, William B., 13
- Samoa, American, 352
- Samoa, Western, 362
- Samudio A., David, 723–724
- San Francisco Conference (1945), 237, 240
- Sanders, William, 157, 160n , 161, 163, 267–272, 435, 785–787, 791, 793
- Sandifer, Durward V., 1–2, 5–7, 10–11, 21, 22n , 28, 47n , 53n , 56, 62, 64n , 71n , 93, 175, 243n , 293n , 295, 301n , 349n , 375n
- Santa Cruz, Hernan, 116, 119–121, 123, 125–129
- Santiesteban, Teodoro, 628
- Sarper, Selim, 110, 228
- Satterthwaite, Joseph, 235
- Satterthwaite, Livingston L., 393n
- Saudi Arabia, 129, 142n , 226, 279, 310
- Sawyer, Charles, 504–506, 508
- Sayre, Francis B., 5, 9, 340n , 348–351, 370–374
- Scanlan, John J., 58
- Schuman, Robert, 247, 359
- Scott, Joseph W., 13
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 602
- Selective Service Act of 1948, 43
- Sen, B. R., 242
- Serrato, José, 780n
- Seyersted, Finn, 317
- Shanahan, Foss, 111, 213
- Shawcross, Sir Hartley, 138, 191
- Shell Caribbean Petroleum Company, 795
- Shields, Robert H., 638
- Shipley, Ruth B., 58
- Shone, Sir Terence, 83–85, 87–88, 154, 244, 324
- Shulman, Marshall, 10, 13
- Sierra, Justo, 671
- Simmons, John F., 238n
- Sinclair Oil Corporation, 689
- Singer, Jeanne, 10, 13
- Sinkiang, Soviet interests in, 174, 199, 209
- Siracusa, Ernest V., 449n , 454–457, 658–664
- Smith, Arnold C., 86–88, 129, 154, 161–162
- Smith, Raymond C., 613
- Snow, William P., 393n , 396–402
- Somaliland, Italian, 368–369
- Somoza, Anastasio, 444–445, 456, 461n , 465, 655, 752
- Soong, T. V., 162
- South Pacific Commission, 370
- South-West Africa, 135, 367–369
- Southard, Frank A., 578, 599
- Southeast Asia, 174, 201, 206, 341
- Souza Costa, Arturo de, 585
- Soviet satellites, Soviet domination of, 75
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings under individual countries and specific subjects): Atomic bomb, explosion of, 193n , 249; peace offensive, 72–73, 80–81, 84–85; U.S. export controls for trade with the Soviet Union and Soviet satellites, 83
- Sowash, William B., 729n
- Spain, 7, 22n , 757–758
- Sparks, Joseph S., 13, 115–116, 238n , 242
- Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 78
- Spencer, George C., 608
- Spiegel, Harold R., 597
- Sprouse, Philip D., 149–151, 155, 158n , 160n , 281–283, 286
- Stabilization Fund (U.S.), 679
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich, 186, 256
- Standard Oil Company, 519, 522, 742
- State, (U.S.) Department of, appointment of officers for U.N. operational area of, 1–2; policy planning staff, 15–16, 22n , 164, 177
- Steelman, John R., 671n
- Stein, Eric, 13
- Steinhardt, Laurence A., 400n , 402–403, 405, 414–416
- Stetson Company of Philadelphia, 680
- Stettinius, Edward R., 266, 268
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 269–271
- Stewart, Gilbert W., 10, 13
- Stinebower, Leroy D., 13
- Stolk, Carlos E., 25, 217, 225–226
- Strong, Robert C., 158–159, 167–169, 181
- Sugar Act (1941), 638, 641
- Sun Yat-sen, Mme., 162n
- Sunde, Arne T., 111, 126, 214, 226, 272–274, 292
- Supreme Court, (U.S.), 643–644
- Sweden, 142n , 226, 273, 279, 302–303, 309–310, 333–337, 366, 479
- Swift Company, 489, 793
- Switzerland, 334, 337
- Syria, 142n , 196, 217, 236, 272, 276, 279
- Taft, Robert, 15
- Taiwan (Formosa), 174, 189–191, 193
- Tamayo, Gen. Francisco, 608
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 111
- Tate, Jack B., 13, 53–56, 62, 231–232
- Taylor, Paul B., 13
- Taylor, Tom, 489
- Tello, Manuel, 688n , 689
- Terrazas, Col. David, 526–527, 531
- Tewell, Harold S., 640–645
- Tewksbury, Howard H., 478–480, 488, 513–516, 581–582, 759–762, 788n
- Texas Oil Company, 689
- Thailand (Siam), 142n , 153, 163, 188, 191, 195, 224, 226, 279
- Thomas, Elbert D., 33
- Thomen, Luis Francisco, 457n , 466–467, 635
- Thompson, Josephine V., 10, 13
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 341n , 345, 348–349
- Thompson, Malvina, 10, 13
- Thorp, Willard L., 5, 9, 395, 400, 424–427, 516n , 566, 577–578, 585–586, 591–593, 597–599, 601, 625n , 671–674, 677, 686–687, 696–698
- Thors, Thor, 226, 272–273
- Thurston, Walter, 684, 687n , 688–690, 693–695, 698–700
- Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz), 83, 187, 223, 257
- Tittman, Harold H., 769–770, 773–774, 778–779
- Tobin, Maurice, 576
- Tomlinson, Edward, 783–784
- Torfs, Jacques, 613
- Torres Bodet, Jaimé, 688n
- Toynbee, Arnold, 119
- Trade Agreements Act, 71, 771
- Tranos, Constantine, 227
- Transjordan, 292n
- Treasury, (U.S.) Department of the, 585, 602, 639, 645, 679n
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also
agreements under individual countries):
- Aircraft, convention on international recognition of rights in (1948), 384
- American treaty on pacific settlement (pact of Bogotá) (1948), nonratification by United States, 419–424, 461–462
- Argentine agreements with United Kingdom: Andes agreement (1942), 474; Roca-Runciman agreement (1933), 507n
- Aviation, civil, international convention (1944), and protocol relating to amendment of (1947), 382–383
- Bogotá, economic agreement of, non-ratification by United States, 424, 428–429
- Bogotá, pact of. see American treaty on pacific settlement, supra.
- Colón Corridor (see also under U.S. agreements with Panama, infra), convention, May 24, 1950, 718n
- Declaration by United Nations (1942), 381
- Economic agreement of Bogotá, non-ratification by the United States, 424, 428–429
- Educational, scientific, and cultural commission, preparatory instrument establishing (1945), 382
- Executive agreements, 643–644
- Food and Agriculture Organization, constitution of (1945), 382
- General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) (1947), 593–594, 596–598, 614–615, 631n , 635, 640–642, 646, 692, 765, 770–771
- Genocide, convention on prevention and punishment of crime of (1948), 384–391
- Hyde Park agreement, 398
- Inter-American bank convention, 427–429
- Inter-American coffee agreement, 427
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance (Rio pact) (1947), 128, 438n , 440–442, 451, 453, 457, 467, 468n , 484, 485n , 550, 568, 570, 573, 589, 604, 665–666, 769, 780–782, 785–788, 791–793
- Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization, convention (1948), 384
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, articles of agreement of (1945), 378–379, 382
- International Court of Justice, statute of, 423
- International Health Conference, agreement concluded by governments represented at (1946), 383
- International Institute of Agriculture, convention for creation of (1905), and protocol for termination of (1946), 379
- International Labor Organization, constitution and instrument of amendment (1946), 383, 766
- International Monetary Fund, articles of agreement of (1945), 378–379, 382
- International Refugee Organization, constitution of (1946), 383
- International Trade Organization, charter (1948), 384, 426
- Japan and Russia, Treaty of Portsmouth between (1905), 178n
- Japanese mandated islands, trusteeship agreement for (1947), 383
- Mexico and Spain, commercial agreement between, 682
- Narcotic drugs: Protocol relating to (1946), 384; protocol relating to international control of (1948), 384
- North Atlantic treaty, Apr. 4, 6, 72–75, 77–80, 359
- Peace treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, 293, 304, 800n
- Peace treaty with Italy, 81–82
- Peru and Argentina, commercial and financial agreement between, Aug. 22, 777n
- Refugees and displaced persons, agreement regarding interim measures to be taken in respect of (1946, 383
- Safety of life at sea, international convention for (1948), 384
- Sino-Soviet treaty of 1945. see under United Nations.
- Telecommunications, international convention (1947), 383
- U.N. charter, 14, 30–35, 37–40, 46, 49, 51, 55, 57, 59, 61–63, 72–73, 76–77, 79, 81, 84–85, 92–93, 95–97, 101–102, 108, 112, 120, 122, 126, 129–130, 135–138, 143, 152, 161, 167, 181, 196, 200–201, 204, 207–208, 210, 216, 220–221, 228n , 229, 234, 262–267, 275–278, 290–292, 294, 297, 303–304, 306–308, 310, 312, 318, 320–321, 325, 340, 351–354, 357, 360n , 362, 364–367, 370, 382, 389, 432, 468n , 766, 792
- U.N. Conference on International Organization, interim arrangements concluded by governments represented at (1945), 382
- U.N. convention on privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies (1947), 383–384
- U.N. convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations. see under United Nations: General Assembly.
- U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, constitution of (1945), 382
- U.N. headquarters, interim agreement (1947), 384
- U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, agreement regarding establishment of (1943), 382
- U.S. agreements with:
- Argentina: Reciprocal trade (1941), 493, 502
- Brazil: Airbase rights (1944), 549, 551; political and military affairs (1942), 549
- Canada: Executive agreement (1941), 396
- Colombia: Reciprocal trade (1935), 614–615
- Ecuador: U.S. military aviation and naval missions agreements (1940), 470
- El Salvador: Detail of military officer to serve as director of military school and military academy in El Salvador (1948), 471
- Guatemala: Reciprocal trade (1936), 651
- Mexico: Reciprocal trade (1942), 690–693; stabilization of funds (1947), 679
- Panama: Colón Corridor (1947), 717; defense sites agreement, termination of (1948), 701–703, 706, 708; general relations (1942), 705, 709, 717; general treaty of friendship and cooperation (1986), 708, 714, 718–719, [Page 822] 738, 744; isthmian canal convention (1908), 707–708, 718–719; trans-isthmian highway, convention (1986) and supplementary agreement (1940), 705, 716–717; U.S. military mission (1942), 471
- Peru: Reciprocal trade (1942), 765, 770–771
- United Kingdom: Leased bases agreement (1941), 395, 400; amendment of (1950), 396n
- United Nations: Loan agreement (1948), 384
- Washington nine-power treaty on China (1922), 160, 174, 178–179, 189–191, 193–195, 200–201, 204, 209
- Wheat, international agreement, Mar. 23–Apr. 15, 491n
- World Health Organization, constitution of (1946), 383
- World Meteorological Organization; convention on (1947), 383
- Treaties, law of, 375–381
- Trieste, 32, 83
- Troncoso, Jesus Maria, 634, 636
- Trujillo Molina, Gen. Rafael Leonidas, 439, 444–445, 452, 456, 461–468, 632, 634, 655
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Atomic bomb statement, Sept. 23, 193n , 249n
- Foreign affairs, conduct of, 20
- Inaugural address, Jan. 20, 30, 623
- Military assistance program, 606, 608–609
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 397
- North Atlantic treaty, 74, 78
- Organization of American States, charter of, 419
- Point Four Program, 658, 560–561, 623–625, 638, 646
- Reciprocal trade agreements program, 666n
- United Nations: Address at U.N. cornerstone ceremony, Oct. 24, 30–31; China question, General Assembly consideration of, 193n ; General Assembly elections, 239–240, 243–244, 251; genocide convention, 384, 390–391; Trusteeship Council, 349; U.N. Participation Act of 1945, amendment of, 15n ; U.S. policy, 30–31, 34, 39, 43, 46, 69n , 70; U.S. representation; 2–4, 15, 20
- U.S. relations with: Argentina, 488; 490; Bolivia, 529n , 538, 541n ; Brazil, 565n , 571–572, 575, 577, 579, 581, 585; Canada, 393–396, 398–402, 408, 413; Chile, 597n , 600; Colombia, 614–615; Cuba, 627, 644–645; Guatemala, 667, 669–670; India, 239; Mexico, 671n , 674–675, 687, 690, 693–695, 697–698; Panama, 705, 741; Paraguay, 750n , 758–759; Uruguay, 790, 794; Venezuela, 797–801
- Tsarapkin, Semyon K., 86, 255, 293n , 296n , 300, 322
- Tsiang, Tingfu F., 26, 110, 144–176 passim, 182–230 passim, 324, 320–329
- Tsui, Tswen-ling, 149–150
- Turkey, 110, 142n , 226, 252, 268, 279, 606
- Uganda, 344n
- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 16, 142n , 219, 236, 241, 245–246, 250, 252–255, 261, 264, 272, 275–277, 280, 285
- Ulate, Otilio, 450
- Ultramar, 519, 522–523
- Union of South Africa, 7, 112, 135, 142n , 224, 271, 273, 279, 356, 367
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. see
- Soviet Union. United Fruit Company. see under Guatemala.
- United Kingdom (see also British
subheadings under individual countries and specific subjects)
- ECA financing, 479
- Financial crisis, 80; Anglo-American-Canadian talks in Washington, 86; devaluation of pound, 514n
- United Nations: General Assembly seat, 271; involvement in colonial development, 373–374; position regarding admission of Communist China, 285; possible vote on U.N. cost sharing, 334; Special Committee on Information, 353–354, 357, 366–367, 369; U.N. general convention on privileges and immunities, accession to, 50n
- United Nations:
- Atomic Energy Commission, report of, 81, 84, 80–87
- Budget, U.S. policy regarding apportionment of, 331–338
- Commission for Conventional Armaments, report of, 81, 84–85
- Commission on Kashmir, 3
- Commission on Korea, 3, 137, 174–175
- Conference on Freedom of Information (1948), 5, 240
- Conference on Internationl Organization (1945), 381
- Convention oh Human Rights, proposed, 639
- Economic and Social Council, 82, 121, 355, 386
- Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 335, 365, 382
- “Essentials of Peace” resolution of General Assembly, 23–25, 27, 72–144, 218,
- Anglo-American-French consultations, 100, 104–107, 113–115, 124
- Country positions: Argentina, 105–106, 3, 8–109, 118, 121, 124, 127–128, 130, 139–140, 142n ; Belgium, 120, 128–129, 142n ; Brazil, 124, 127–129, 142n ; Canada, 127–129, 142n ; Chile, 121, 124–129, 131, 142n ; China, 88, 100, 110, 128, 142n ; Denmark, 119, 121, 128–129, 142n ; France, 89, 100, 112, 117, 128–430, 142n ; India, 115–116, 119, 122, 127, 142n ; Liberia, 128, 131, 142n ; Mexico, 94, 98–99, 124, 126, 130, 133–135, 142n ; Norway, 120–121, 125, 128, 142n ; Philippines, 94–95, 98–99, 142n ; United Kingdom, 88, 98–100, 142n ; United States, 72–75, 88–100, 102–104, 108–109; Yugoslavia, 128, 141–142
- Resolution adopted by General Assembly, Dec. 1, 143–144
- Soviet draft resolution, 27, 72, 88–92, 103–104, 124–126, 132, 139, 141–142, 199
- U.S.-U.K. draft resolution, 100–142 passim
- General Assembly:
- Agenda, 14, 17–18, 20, 73, 78, 81, 83–88, 91n , 92, 103, 140, 142, 144, 148, 154–155, 158, 161–162, 1, 167–168, 170, 172, 175–176, 180, 184–185, 187–188, 191–192, 194–196
- Arab states, position of, 27, 188, 209, 266, 269, 371
- Armaments, regulation and reduction of, 83n , 93, 101–102, 108, 120–122, 131–133, 144
- Asian states, position of, 82, 94, 112, 190, 195, 199, 201, 203, 266, 371
- Atomic energy, international control of, 14, 25, 72n , 80n , 81, 86–87, 89–90, 93, 101–102, 108, 112, 114–115, 118–120, 122, 125, 127, 133, 142, 144, 360
- Atomic weapons, proposed prohibition of, 88, 95, 132, 144
- Budget, 331–338
- Canadian position regarding taxation of U.N. officials, 42, 65–68
- Chinese Communist representation, question of, 147–172 passim, 180, 184, 199, 206, 214n –215, 224, 235–236, 281–291
- Committees, regular; General, 14, 73–74, 89–90, 92, 184, 189, 192–193, 196, 215, 266, 269–271; First, 24, 36–37, 73–74, 89–92, 95, 100, 103, 107, 110, 113, 115, 117n , 124, 130n , 133, 135, 138–139, 141, 143n , 186, 192, 195–196, 213–215, 218–220, 222, 225, 227–228, 230–232, 263, 272, 290, 368; Second, 14, 272; Third, 14, 272; Fourth, 14, 27, 135–137, 274, 352, 353n , 355, 358, 361n , 363–364, 366, 368–370, 373; Fifth, 14, 36–37, 41, 69n , 70, 272, 331, 333–335, 337–338; Sixth, 14, 41, 48, 272, 386–387, 389
- Committees, special: Ad Hoc Committee on Genocide, 386; Ad Hoc Political Committee, 89–90, 91n , 118–119, 125, 127, 192, 240, 291, 301n , 305, 308–311, 320; Contributions, 331–538; Credentials, 215, 286–287, 290; Greek Conciliation Committee, 110; Interim Committee, 3–4, 14, 24–25, 76, 91, 137–138, 191, 225, 228–232, 312–313, 315, 317–318, 321, 324, 369; Special Committee on Information, 353–358, 360, 364–367, 369–370; Special Committee on U.N. Guard, 36–38
- Conventional armaments, 14
- Czechoslovak case, 181, 289, 315
- Czechoslovak position on U.N. field observers, 37
- Disarmament, 72n , 75, 80n , 81, 132
- Economic and Social Council, elections to, 244, 252, 256, 258, 260, 265, 280n
- Freedom of information, conventions on, 5, 7
- Genocide convention, 385–390
- Greek question, 14, 81, 93, 165, 169, 181, 192, 246, 254, 258, 289
- Headquarters agreement of 1941, matters related to the implementation of, 38–39, 41, 45, 47, 58–61, 282, 383
- Human rights and freedoms, 75, 82, 102, 118, 144, 799–800
- Human rights in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, 14, 82, 293–294, 304, 800n
- Indians in the Union of South Africa, question of, 7
- Indonesian question, 83, 145, 289, 315
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 7, 14, 32, 83, 85, 113, 121, 192–195, 263, 290–291, 368–369
- Korean question, 14, 83, 93
- Latin American States, position of, 24–26, 75, 82, 94, 106, 110, 112, 124, 174, 180, 188, 203, 209, 213, 224, 227, 252, 255–256, 262–263, 269, 306, 309, 360, 369, 371
- Membership question, 14, 16, 84–85, 291, 292n , 294–296, 299–310
- Mexican resolution, 72n , 91, 94–95, 99
- Mindszenty case, 7
- Near and Middle Eastern states, position of, 82, 203
- Nongovernmental organizations, relations with, 14
- Pacific Trust Territories, 85
- Palestine question, 27, 289–290
- Polish position regarding U.N. field observers, 37
- President, election of, 239–240, 253n
- Report to Security Council, 14
- Security Council, elections, consideration of, 113, 234–235, 252, 255–256, 264–272; Australian candidacy, 235; Czech candidacy, 113, 249–250, 253–254, 259, 261–264, 268, 273, 277, 281; Ecuadorean candidacy, 237–238, 252, 255–256; Indian candidacy, 234–244, 252, 255; Yugoslav candidacy, 245–281
- Security Council veto question, 14, 89, 92–93, 97, 102, 105, 108, 128, 133–135, 142, 144, 310–324, 326–327, 330
- Sessions: First, 6, 390; Second, 72n ; Third at Paris, Sept 21–Dec. 12, 1948, 4n , 72n , 74, 235, 333–334, 339, 354, 386, 474–475; Third at New York, Apr. 5–May 8, 72n , 74, 310, 339; Fourth at New York, Sept. 30–Dec. 10, 72–338 passim
- Sino-Soviet treaty. see under United Nations.
- South-West Africa, status of, 367–369
- Soviet position regarding: Atlantic pact, 72–78; peace, 80–88, 91, 95; U.N. field observers, 37;
- Yugoslavia, 258–260
- Soviet seats, 271, 366
- Spanish question, 7, 22n
- Trieste question, 83
- Tripartite discussions between British, Canadian, and U.S. delegations, 83–88
- Trusteeship Council, elections to, 252, 256, 280n
- Trusteeship matters, 351–353, 355, 357, 360–371
- Turkish participation, 27
- U.N. charter, proposed conference for revision of, 14
- U.N. convention on privileges and immunities (1946), 38, 40, 42–44, 46–49, 54, 56, 62, 65–68, 70, 382
- U.N. Security Guard, U.S. attitude toward proposed establishment of, 14, 35–38
- U.S. delegation: Activities of, 799–800; minutes of meetings of, 76–80, 109–110, 123–125, 129–133, 229–232, 249–252, 256–257, 289–291
- U.S. policy toward, 15–22, 73
- U.S. representation, 4–5, 7–10, 14, 19–20
- “Warmongering” resolution, Soviet draft (1947), 72n , 80n , 89, 95
- Withdrawal of armed forces from foreign countries, 81
- General conference, 35
- General convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations, U.S. position regarding, 38–45, 52–53, 56–57, 62–64, 66–67, 70
- International Law Commission, 33, 375n
- Laissez-passer, U.S. policy regarding, 44–45, 47–58, 62–64
- Membership question:
- Argentine resolution, proposed, 296n , 300, 304, 307, 308–310
- Australian draft resolutions, 307–309
- British position, 296–297, 303, 307, 310
- Chinese position, 296, 307
- Countries under consideration: Albania, 293–297, 299–301, 304, 310; Austria, 292n , 293n , 300–303, 307–309; Bulgaria, 293–297, 299–301, 304, 310; Ceylon, 292n , 293, 300–303, 307, 309; Finland, 292n , 293n , 298, 300–304, 307, 309; Hungary, 293–297, 299–301, 304, 310; Ireland, 292n , 293n , 297, 300–303, 307, 309; Israel, 291; Italy, 292n , 293, 296–298, 300–304, 308–309; Korea, North, 303–304, 307; Korea, Republic of, 291, 293n , 294, 301–304, 306, 308–309; Mongolian People’s Republic, 293–297, 299–301, 304, 310; Nepal, 291, 293n , 299–304, 306, 308–309; Portugal, 292n , 293n , 297, 300–303, 308–309; Romania, 293–297, 299–301, 304, 310; Transjordan, 292n , 293n , 297, 300–303, 308–309
- Soviet position, 293–304, 306, 309–310
- Swedish resolution, 302–503, 306
- U.S. policy, 291–310
- Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods (1944), 378
- Palestine truce, implementation of, 3, 14
- Secretariat, 34, 36, 38, 44, 48–50, 52, 54, 60, 64–68, 69n , 282, 284–285, 287; double taxation, question of application of, 65–66, 68, 70
- Secretary-General, 9, 35–38, 40, 44–45, 48, 56, 60, 64–66, 68, 70, 232, 266, 282–285, 337, 351–353, 366–367, 386, 389–390
- Security Council:
- Armaments, report on reduction of, 120
- Armed forces contingents, proposed, 32–33, 35
- British Commonwealth representation, 234–235, 238, 241–244, 249, 265, 267–268
- Chinese charges against Soviet Union, question of, 150, 152, 156, 168–169, 175, 182, 232
- Chinese Communist representation, question of, 180, 206, 224, 235, 281–291
- Elections. see under General Assembly.
- Kashmir question, 235–236, 242–243
- Latin American representation, 238n , 255–256, 265–268
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, relationship to, 78
- Soviet position, 76, 282
- Unanimity principle, 76–77, 278
- United Nations membership question, 291–297, 299–304, 306–310, 320–321
- U.S. representation, 2–4, 14–15
- Veto question, 33, 75, 77, 79, 92–93, 152, 168, 206, 283, 286, 291–323 passim
- Voting procedures: Anglo-American-Chinese-French consultations, 311–318, 320, 322–324; British position, 311–314, 317–322; Chinese position, 318, 320–322; five-power consultations, proposed, 313–314, 316, 318–320, 322–330; four-power statement, June 7, 1945, 311–312; French position, 314–322, 325; Soviet position, 322–330; U.S. position, 76–77, 80n , 310–330
- Sino-Soviet treaty of Aug. 14, 1945,
consideration in General Assembly:
- Chinese resolution condemning Soviet violations of, 14, 24–26, 95, 144–233, 287–289
- Country positions: Australia, 207, 210–216, 218, 221–222, 226, 228, 230; Belgium, 210, 214, 222; Brazil, 188, 222; Burma, 191, 226; Canada, 161–163, 172–173, 219, 224–225; Chile, 188, 209, 228; Cuba, 209, 228–229, 232; Denmark, 214, 224; Ecuador, 217, 228–229, 232; Egypt, 188, 192, 209, 226; France, 148, 164, 166–167, 172–173, 182, 209–210, 212–213, 216, 218, 224, 226, 228; Greece, 196, 212, 217, 222, 227; India, 183, 186–188, 191, 193, 195, 203, 210–211, 215–216, 226; Mexico, 210–211, 214, 216, 221–222, 225, 228–229; New Zealand, 212–213, 224, 226; Norway, 214–215, 218, 224, 226; Pakistan, 188, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 221, 225, 227–229; Peru, 188, 217, 228–229, 232; Philippines, 188, 191–192, 195–196, 210–212, 215–216, 221–222, 228–230, 232; Poland, 196, 219; Soviet Union, 163, 188–189, 196, 201, 215, 219; Thailand, 188, 191, 195, 224, 226; United Kingdom, 157–159, 167, 169–170, 172–173, 180–182, 191–192, 204–207, 211, 214, 217–219, 221n , 224–225; United States, 144–233, 256–257, 289; Yugoslavia, 196, 219
- Joint resolution by Cuba, Ecuador, and Peru, 228–233
- Joint U.S.-Australian-Mexican-Pakistani-Philippine resolution, 222–233
- Soviet policy, 256, 432
- Special Commission on the Balkans, 3, 137, 174, 254
- Specialized agencies, 87, 97, 101–102, 108, 335–336, 381, 383
- Tax equalization, question of, 65–71
- Treaty observance, 75
- Treaty registration, 75
- Trieste question, 32
- Trusteeship Council: Administering powers, 342–347, 349, 351, 353–354, 356–357, 361–366; agenda, 340; British policy, 340–343, 347–349, 371; Japanese islands, disposition of former, 348; meetings of, 340–341, 346–351; mission to West Africa, 340; non-administering powers, 341, 344, 346, 349, 353–355, 357; non-self-governing territories, administration of; 340, 343, 346, 351–353, 358n , 365–366; report of the, 361–364; Soviet policy, 341–343, 346, 348–350, 371–372; Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, report by United States on, 350; U.S. policy toward, 343–347, 349–351, 353–357, 370
- United States: Mission, 2–3, 10–11, 21n , 22n , 244–245; organization and arrangements for the conduct of relations with the United Nations, 1–29; policy, 6, 23–24, 28, 30–71; representation, 3n , 11; U.N. Participation Act of 1945, proposed amendment of, 2–3, 4n , 14–15
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 171
- U.S. Constitution, 20, 41, 412, 643
- U.S. stockpiling program, 592, 596, 598
- Urriolagoitia, Mamerto, 525–530, 538–539
- Uruguay:
- Agreements with the United States concerning: Friendship, commerce, and economic development, Feb. 23, 794; petroleum, 698
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 431
- OAS Council, 441n
- Relations with: Argentina, 484, 533, 539, 574, 780–783, 785, 787–789; Colombia, 622
- United Nations: Draft memorandum on China, 232; General Assembly and special committee seats, 272; position on human rights in Venezuela, 799–800; position regarding candidacy of Yugoslavia to Security Council, 279; sponsorship of membership of Israel, 291
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 485, 780–794
- Utter, John E., 9, 13
- Vallarino, Lt. Col. Bolivar, 722–724, 730
- Valverde, Emilio, 262–263
- Van Langenhove, Fernand, 111, 116, 120, 122, 126, 128–129
- Van Zeeland, Paul, 356
- Vandenberg, Arthur, 40–41, 184, 193, 577
- Vandenberg resolution. see under Congress (U.S.).
- Vargas, Getulio, 553
- Vasquez, Edmundo, 535
- Vass, Laurence C., 414
- Vatican, 757–758, 773
- gVenezuela: American Committee on Dependent Territories, attitude toward, 435; anti-Venezuelan activities in Cuba and Guatemala, 449–450; Argentine policy toward, 589; Inter-American Peace Committee, 454n ; OAS, attitude toward, 450–451; Panama, recognition of new government of, 741; petroleum industry, 795–797; petroleum resources, development of, 673–674; political situation, 748–750, 752; position on China resolution, 217, 222, 225–226; position on membership for Yugoslavia in Security Council, 263, 279; U.N. seats, 252, 268, 271, 366; U.N. vote on “Essentials of Peace” resolution, 142n ; U.S. political relations with, 752, 795–801; U.S. recognition of new government, 798–799
- Verbrachen, Joanna, 441
- Vergara, Roberto, 597, 599, 602
- Virgin Islands, 352
- Viteri-Lafromte, Homero, 237
- Vyshinsky, Andrei Yanuaryevich, 24, 80, 88n , 95, 107, 113, 117–120, 124–125, 139, 143n , 184, 196, 257–258, 260, 275–278, 281
- Wainhouse, David M., 7, 9, 13, 27, 78, 368
- Walker, Michael, 240–241
- Walker, William W., 437–438, 630
- Wan, Prince Waithayakon, 191
- Wang, Shih-chieh, 146
- War: Issuance of travel documents during, 51, 55n , 58, 63; threat of, 88, 93, 99, 256–257
- War Prisoners, Conference at Geneva on Protection of, 82
- Ward, Angus, 206
- Warner, Fred, 126, 135
- Warren, Fletcher, 748–749, 754–757, 759, 762n
- Watler, 345
- Webb, James E.:
- Haitian relations with the Dominican Republic, 442–444
- United Nations: “Essentials of Peace” resolution, 88–90, 92–93, 96–98, 102–104; general convention on privileges and immunities, 70–71; genocide convention, 384–390; membership question, 292–293; Security Council elections, 245–246, 248–249, 260–261; U.N. Participation Act of 1945, 14
- U.S. relations with: Argentina, 504, 507n , 508–509; Bolivia, 525; Brazil, 565n , 572–577, 581n , 586; Chile, 593–594, 599; Colombia, 608–609; Guatemala, 650–651, 665–667, 669–670; Mexico, 673–675, 690, 698; Panama, 741n , 744–745; Paraguay, 763; Peru, 769
- Webster, Sir Charles K., 266
- Weiss, Leonard, 597
- Wells, Bartlett H., 13
- Wells, Milton K., 444–445, 658
- Wessels, L., 27, 368–369
- Western Union Telegraph Company, 625–626
- White, Eric Wyndham, 771
- White, Joseph L., 613
- Whiteman, Marjorie, 775n
- Wigny, Pierre, 356
- Wilcox, Francis O., 13
- Wilkins, Fraser, 13
- Williams, Chester S., 10
- Willis, George H., 586, 679n
- Willoughby, Woodbury, 393–394, 400, 690–693
- Wilson Company 489
- Winslow, Richard S., 10, 13
- Wise, Murray M., 658–661, 665–667, 669–670, 720n , 725n , 728–731, 736–737, 741–742
- Wold, Terje, 116, 120, 122, 273–274
- Wolf, Joseph J., 407n
- Wolfrom, Jean, 23, 133n
- Woodward, Robert, 590n , 764n , 784–785
- World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), 652
- World Health Organization (WHO), 281, 335
- World Peace Congress in Paris, 652, 655
- Wright, Robert B., 179
- Wrong, Hume, 400–402, 406n , 408–410
- Yalta Conference (1945), 201
- Yeh, George, 145–146, 149, 167
- Yemen, 129, 141, 142n , 196, 226, 279
- Yost, Charles, 13, 160–161, 229–231
- Yu, Tsune-chi, 227
- Yugoslavia, 83, 95, 187, 223, 248–249, 256–258, 272, 309–310
- Zafrulla Khan, Sir Mohammed, 116, 118–119, 123, 126, 128, 227
- Zinchenko, Konstantin, 155, 281
- Zuleta Angel, Eduardo, 603–607, 618