501.BB/8–1749: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)1


436. Urtel.938 Aug 17. Chi Govt has made similar approach to Min-Counselor Canton asking Dept’s reaction. French Emb Washington has shown Dept copy tel from Chauvel reporting approach by Tsiang in which was set forth expected basis for Chi Govt appeal to UN re Soviet violations Sino-Soviet Treaty. Violations listed included Soviet denial Dairen as port entry Manchuria, Soviet stripping and removal Jap industry Manchuria, Soviet denial use railway to Chi Govt troops and Soviet action turning over Jap military materiel to Chi Commies. All these actions mentioned in China White Paper and Dept thus committed in sense support Chi Govt charges.

Question arises degree effectiveness presentation Chi Govt case before UN and possible result and consequences such action. Dept believes that pending more thorough study question and full knowledge nature and evidence case Chi Govt intends present to UN you shld confine ur reply to Tsiang to statement Dept sympathetic Chi Govt desire to put before GA position and assures support in principle but degree US support on particulars of case wld naturally depend upon extent to which Chi Govt cld develop effective case and Dept cld not commit itself to unqualified support without fuller knowledge nature and evidence Chi case.

One possible by-product Chi Govt appeal might well be Soviet demand Chi Commie representatives be heard by UNGA, thus enhancing Chi Commie prestige and international position. Propaganda advantages wld accrue US through opportunity publicize Soviet imperialist aims and special position Manchuria at expense Chi people and shld Chi Govt utilize UN action as basis abrogation Sino-Soviet Treaty onus wld lie on Chi Commies themselves for any concessions in Manchuria made to USSR.

Pls consult with Cadogan and Chauvel obtaining their views and those their Govts. This message rpted London and Paris for info.

  1. Repeated also by the Department to the Chargé in China in telegram Telcan 632, August 26, 5 p. m., “For urinfo and guidance in conversations with Acting FonMin.” (761.93/8–1749)