
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of River Plate Affairs (Tewksbury) to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs (Barber)


This is in reference to my letter of September 13 to Ambassador Fletcher Warren requesting his opinions concerning the possible recognition of Paraguay (a copy of my letter to Ambassador Warren was sent to you for your information).

Ambassador Warren telephoned this morning from Montreal and stated that he was in full accord with my suggestion that there should be a delay of two or three weeks before extending recognition to Paraguay and that final action should be based on the developments in Paraguay during the next couple of weeks.

Ambassador Warren is of the opinion that a strong plea will be made by the Paraguayans on the basis that the present change in government has strictly followed constitutional procedures. He does not, however, entirely agree with the opinion of Ambassador Boettner that there will be unanimous support of Don Federico Chávez. He feels that the retention of Kigoberto Caballero as Minister of Interior and the fact that General Francisco Caballero and Lieutenant Colonel Abdon Caballero Alvarez (a half brother) hold important military positions may be a threat to the stability of the Chávez administration. Ambassador Warren did not go into details but indicated that the loyalty of the Caballero brothers is open to question. Ambassador Boettner, however, strongly emphasized the debt of loyalty which the Caballero brothers owed to Chávez for assistance he had given them over a long period of years.

Ambassador Warren’s comments, combined with the indications contained in telegram No. 313 from Asunción1 (received this morning), strengthen my opinion that we would do well to go somewhat slowly in the recognition of the Chávez administration.2

Howard H. Tewksbury
  1. See footnote 1 to telegram 316, September 14, from Asunción, infra.
  2. Marginal note on the file copy read: “So far I agree W[illard] B[arber]”.