
The Ambassador in Panama (Davis) to the Secretary of State


No. 160

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the BID report, cited in this Embassy’s telegram 244 of April 7, 1949,1 detailing the revolutionary plans in which Wilson W. Brown2 had a considerable participation.

The Embassy is now reliably informed that the Panamanian Government was able to anticipate the projected coup and arrest the principal [Page 716] participants3 as a result of having received from the United States Army Caribbean, approximately five weeks ago, the information contained in the BID report cited. This was effected by the G–2 of that organization, after clearance with his Chief of Staff, through the officer maintaining liaison with the Panamanian National Police. As a consequence of, this action, the Liaison Officer reports, quite understandably, that the Army’s relations with the National Police have never been better.

This report is made as a matter of record and it is respectfully requested that no action be taken thereon. It is my intention, however, to discuss the question at an appropriate time with the Commander in Chief of the Caribbean Command.

Respectfully yours,

Monnett B. Davis
  1. Not printed.
  2. Ambassador Davis had reported in telegram 269 from Panama City, April 19, 1949, that Mr. Brown, an American, was arrested by the authorities in connection with an alleged revolutionary plot against the Panamanian Government. He stated also that the Embassy would protect Mr. Brown only to the extent of securing him a fair hearing. (819.00/4–1949) In telegram 480 from Panama City, August 6, 1949, the Embassy reported that Mr. Brown, free on bail, had left Panama with the consent of Panamanian officials (819.00/8–649).
  3. In telegram 273 from Panama City, April 21, 1949, the Embassy had stated that Harmodio Arias and a number of other prominent Panamanians had been arrested following detailed interrogation of Mr. Brown by the police (819.00/4–2149).