IO Files: US/S/925

Memorandum by Mr. Charles P. Noyes of the United States Mission at the United Nations


After consultation with us, the French and the Chinese, Sir Alexander1 spoke to Tsarapkin today suggesting that some action was necessary on the General Assembly resolution regarding the veto, asking him whether the Russians would be prepared to join in a conference of the Five Permanent Members some time next week so that consideration of the matter in the Security Council might be had before the General Assembly meets.

Tsarapkin is reported to have said that he would look up the General Assembly resolution and let Sir Alexander know his point of view.

Sir Alexander, as a result of this conversation, holds the view that the Russians will decline to join in such conversations.2

  1. Sir Alexander Cadogan, Permanent British Representative to the United Nations.
  2. The Soviet Delegate, Tsarapkin, informed the British about September 15 that the Soviets were prepared to consider the veto question at a Big Five meeting “at some convenient time”. (Memorandum by C. P. Noyes, September 15, IO Files, Doc. US/S/929, not printed.)