IO Files: US/A/1895
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. John C. Dreier, Adviser,1 United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
In a conversation on other matters, I mentioned to Ambassador Valverde2 the interest with which I had heard his remarks briefly [Page 263] the other day to the effect that the Soviet Union was making strenuous efforts to influence the Latin-Americans against voting for Yugoslavia. He confirmed this, saying that Katz-Suchy of Poland had told him in no uncertain terms that the election of Yugoslavia would mean the disruption of the United Nations.
Valverde felt that this propaganda was having some effect on some Latin-American delegates who feared that the United Nations might actually be in grave jeopardy—he again mentioned Venezuela a ad possibly Mexico and Argentina as being delegations which might have softened on this point.
Incidentally, Ambassador Valverde referred to the fact that Ambassador Jessup in Committee 1 this morning had nominated Czechoslovakia for the sub-committee on Italian Colonies and inquired whether that reflected any change in our attitude. I assured him that it did not.