IO Files: US/A/1790

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. John D. Hickerson of the United States Delegation


As soon as I reached Lake Success this morning I telephoned President [Page 253] Romulo’s1 office and asked for an appointment to see him immediately upon his arrival. As soon as he came in I went around to see him and told him that of the two candidates in the Eastern European area for the Security Council seat now held by the Ukraine, the United States Delegation had decided, taking everything into account, to vote for Yugoslavia. I reminded President Romulo that we had assumed, prior to the opening of the General Assembly, Yugoslavia would not wish to be considered for membership in the Security Council land that the Yugoslav candidacy was therefore a complete surprise to us. I told him that we had considered the matter very carefully since Yugoslavia approached us a week ago today, and had decided, taking everything into account, including Mr. Kardelj’s speech yesterday, to vote for Yugoslavia. I stated that we would not campaign for Yugoslavia but would confine our efforts to stating our position to those countries who have inquired of us what our attitude is.

President Romulo said he was very glad to have this information, Which did not surprise him after Kardelj’s speech in the General Assembly yesterday. He said that he felt that the speech was a courageous one and that some recognition should be given to it. He did not state, but strongly implied, that the Philippine Delegation would vote for Yugoslavia.

  1. General Romulo was elected President of the General Assembly on September 20.