124.933/12–648: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 7—1:28 a.m.]
2435. With evacuation US dependents from Nanking and with intention Chinese Government evacuate to places of safety dependents its personnel (Embtel 2434, December 694), there is increasing pressure on us from our Chinese staff to assist in evacuation their dependents. Our loyal Chinese staff gives every indication of remaining loyal in any event but they would be happier and their morale would be strengthened if they could have the same assurance we have that their families are in places of greater safety than Nanking. Many desire to send their families to their native districts where they would merge into the community and might expect to be safe until situation clarifies. They have been unable to save funds for this purpose and have appealed to us for transportation at US Government expense. Maximum total cost would not exceed $3,000 and might be much less, depending on availability transportation those seeking evacuation.
If Department can authorize expenditures not to exceed that amount for purpose evacuation families Chinese staff, it would undoubtedly improve morale alien staff with resulting benefit efficiency Embassy. We strongly urge, therefore, that if possible such funds be made avail-able to us immediately.