893.50 Recovery/7–3048: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

1397. ReDeptel 1078, July 27, repeated Shanghai 1367, concerning Joint Rural Reconstruction Commission. Basis instructions therein, Moyer and Boehringer9 July 30 presented aide-mémoire to Foreign Office giving full texts of Ambassador’s and Minister’s notes as now revised. Discussion here with Dr. Tung Ling, director American Affairs Department, who indicated Foreign Minister would now probably [Page 627] approve texts of notes. Question raised re voting procedure and we agreed cover point in supplementary aide-mémoire. Appears to be small matter but one in which Foreign Minister himself interested.

Tung expressed opinion Foreign Office in position August 2 to notify Embassy of its acceptance of texts of notes. He said that Executive Yuan would have to give its approval at regular weekly meeting August 4 adding that as Premier has been kept fully informed of negotiations no difficulty expected. We expressed hope to have exchange take place August 6 which agreeable to Tung.10

We now giving thought to questions of press release, text of which we expect wire Department11 early next week and attendance at simple ceremony of signing and exchanging notes of Lapham, Gilpatric,12 Embassy officers including Dawson and key Chinese officials concerned.

Sent Department 1397, repeated Shanghai 676.

  1. Carl H. Boehringer, First Secretary of Embassy in China.
  2. In telegram No. 1400, July 31, 2 p.m., the Embassy reported that the Foreign Minister had approved the texts of the notes presented in its aide-mémoire of July 30 and that August 5 had been agreed to for their signing (893.50 Recovery/7–3148).
  3. Telegram No. 1411, August 2, 6 p.m., not printed.
  4. Mr. Gilpatric was appointed Deputy Chief of ECA China Mission July 1 but continued, concurrently, as Attaché at the Shanghai Consulate General.