893.50 Recovery/7–2448: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to
the Secretary of State
Nanking, July 24, 1948—1
[Received July 24—4:16 a.m.]
1358. To Dept, ECA and Agriculture. ReEmbtel 1335, July 21, repeated
Shanghai 645, on Rural Reconstruction Commission. Moyer and Embassy
officer July 23 discussed Foreign Office proposals with Dr. Tung Ling,
director American Affairs Department. In this informal discussion we
indicated to him what our recommendations to Department would be and
endeavored enlist this support to obtain Foreign Minister’s agreement
thereto, in effort expedite early conclusión these negotiations without
use of suggested separate unpublished agreed minutes as proposed by
Foreign Office.
Herewith our comments and recommendations reference being made to
numbered points reftel:
[Page 624]
- 3.
- In order meet Foreign Office proposal regarding
subparagraph (e) paragraph (2), we
suggest first sentence read as follows: “To appoint such
executive officers and administrative staff as Commission
deems necessary to carry out the program, it being
understood that the chief executive officer shall be a
citizen of China.”
- 4.
- We indicated to Tung in unmistakable language our desire
have paragraph (3) retained in exchange of notes. We
stressed value including these provisions in published
exchange of notes from standpoints informing Chinese people
regarding intentions of commission and serving to counter
Chinese Communist propaganda regarding lack of positive
rural reconstruction program of National Government. We also
stressed importance outlining in definite terms the possible
scope of Commission’s work since many different views held
here with respect meaning of rural reconstruction. To meet
Foreign Office objections to subparagraph (b) of paragraph (3), we suggest this subparagraph
be merged with subparagraph (c) to
read as follows: “Consultation with the Chinese Government
concerning ways and means of progressively carrying out land
reform measures, including steps to survey, register and
appraise agricultural land, in areas where the coordinated
extension-type program specified in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph is established.”
This wording designed remove Foreign Office objection to
inferred enforcement by Commission of Chinese laws and
regulations. If our proposal accepted, lettering remaining
subparagraphs should be altered accordingly.
- 5.
- We perceive no objection to Foreign Office proposal that
words “or its chairman” be inserted immediately after words
“if the Commission” in paragraph (4).
- 6.
- Reference Foreign Office suggested deletion paragraph (5),
we make counterproposal to insert in penultimate paragraph
Foreign Minister’s note to Ambassador immediately after “to
direct cooperating agencies of the Government of China” the
following words set off by commas “including the local
officials concerned”. This wording while not so specific as
that originally suggested for paragraph (5) appears to meet
our needs and permits Chinese save face on delicate question
authority National Government over provincial and other
local officials, if you concur dropping paragraph (5),
remaining paragraphs should be renumbered
- 8.
- We recommend adoption Foreign Office proposal reference
paragraph (7) regarding diplomatic privileges and
- 9.
- We recommend adoption Foreign Office proposals for
deletion words “fiscal charges, including” and last sentence
paragraph (8).
- 11.
- We recommend adoption Foreign Office proposal delete
clause “and also reserves the right to withdraw the US
members of the Commission” in paragraph (10) but insist upon
retention entire second sentence this paragraph.
Regarding Tung’s suggestion on voting procedure contained penultimate
paragraph reftel, we recommend inclusion this sentence as final sentence
paragraph (1).
Foreign Office proposals and our recommendations were discussed by Moyer
with Dawson prior to July 23 meeting at Foreign Office.
[Page 625]
We believe Dawson in full agreement our
recommendations except those under points (3) and (6) this telegram.
Cannot now be reached order determine his attitude these points. Moyer
will confer with him at Shanghai evening July 24 or morning July 25.
Moyer now hoping return Washington after week or 10 days by which time we
hope negotiations on exchange of notes may be finalized. Accordingly
urgently request Department send instructions regarding above.