840.51FC93/9–1048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

1304. Treas and State agree not possible reblock Chinese assets or otherwise assist locating and identifying such assets, (re urtel 1573 Aug 25). Assistance being given ERP76 countries locating dollar assets US limited to blocked assets, decision having been taken by NAC77 not to extend program to free assets. Reblocking assets, although requested from various sources respect assets various countries, has been continually denied. Administrative as well as policy considerations important factor. You sh[oul]d, therefore, continue state [at] your discretion that reblocking cannot be done. Further explanation follows for Embassy info.78

  1. European Recovery Program.
  2. National Advisory Council.
  3. This consisted of copy of letter of February 2 from Secretary of the Treasury Snyder to Senator Vandenberg, sent to the Embassy on September 22 under transmittal slip (Form DS–4); for text of letter, see Treasury Department, Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1948, p. 289.