893.00/2–2448: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

323. 1. Please instruct ConGen Mukden to convey orally to Gen Wei Li Huang a courteous acknowledgment his message contained Mukden’s 95 Feb 24, 4 p.m. Also pass on to him apropos Mukden’s 89 Feb 2058 and your 346 Feb 24, 8 p.m. info contained in pars. 2 and 3 which he can orally draw upon in his conversation with Gen Wei. At same time you should make clear to ConGen that only legal means by which USGovt can assist ChiGovt in obtaining military equipment and ammunition from this country is to issue export licenses covering commercial purchases by ChiGovt from Amer manufacturers and by sale by FLC to ChiGovt of material and ammunition declared surplus to US Army’s needs. You should also apprise Ward of reasons why it is impossible to comply with any such suggestion as use of 200 Army planes to deliver supplies into Mukden. You should also indicate to Ward impropriety of US Govt taking action on basis personal requests from individual Chi generals in field.

2. Surplus ammo being loaded Chi ship now at Saipan includes following items:

.30 cal AP 12,783,000 rds, 481.4 tons;
.30 cal tracer 8,742,000 rds, 320.4 tons;
60 MM Mortar 100,000 rds, 226.0 tons.

Efficient utilization by ChiGovt of its air facilities should be sufficient effect rapid air transport from port of arrival to Northeast. For your info Gen Brown FLC, recently returned from Manila, is of opinion that PhilGovt has little if any small arms ammo excess to their current requirements. So far as stocks in Japan are concerned we understand they are committed to other programs. However Army has now found in Saipan, Tinian, Hawaii and Okinawa ammo which it can declare surplus to its needs which may amount to as much as 60,000 tons. Exact types and quantities not yet known. Arrangements will proceed as speedily as possible.

3. Dept informed first group of 150 C–46’s purchased by Chi have been flown to West Coast for final reconditioning before onward flight. [Page 27] ChiEmb has completed arrangements for balance of planes to be removed from storage and readied for flight to reconditioning depots.
