893.20 Missions/3–748: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

425. Barr has given no evidence of “timidity of approach” to his most difficult task here. He has already inspired Generalissimo’s confidence and established excellent relations with all concerned. I [Page 254] have sensed no unwillingness on his part to take initiative and assume responsibilities of his job but on contrary have been impressed by his forcefulness and tact in handling his problems. Reason he submitted to Washington Generalissimo’s desire to have assistance with replacement training center Nanking was solely because of categoric character of instructions in Deptel 1302, October 24, 5 p.m.43 in connection with establishment training center Taiwan in which it was stated “AAG (Army Advisory Group) will not participate in any other training center without prior concurrence Dept.” Barr knew of your efforts to accomplish this and told me how pleased he thought you would be with the development. I personally am much impressed with Barr’s grasp of his problems and manner in which he is handling them.
