
Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State

Losses of American Equipment by Chinese Nationalist Forces as of December 2, 1948*

Pistols 3,200
Rifles 113,170
Machine Guns 1,250
Submachine Guns (45 Cal.) 30,000
Mortars (60 MM) 2,754
Mortars (81 MM) 612
Mortars (4.2 in.) 75
Howitzers (75 MM) 204
Howitzers (105 MM) 72
Howitzers (155 MM) 36
Motor Vehicles 2,000
Ammunition (rounds)
30 Cal. 20,000,000
45 Cal. 15,000,000
30 Cal. (Carbine) 750,000
Mortar (60 MM) 200,000
Mortar (81 MM) 260,000
Mortar (4.2 in.) 60,000
Howitzer (75 MM) 60,000
Howitzer (105 MM) 40,000
Howitzer (155 MM) 8,000
  1. Includes figures on U. S. equipment in tabulation attached to Memorandum dated November 19, 1948. (Tab C). [Footnote in the original; memorandum of November 19 not printed.]