893.20 Mission/1–3148: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)
212. There has been and is no lack of awareness here of seriousness situation in China as described in urtels 25237 and 253 Feb 7 nor is there any lack of desire to take feasible action consistent with our overall interests and responsibilities toward assisting ChiGovt. I do not think however that such involvement as referred to urtel 193 Jan 30 [31] places upon us responsibility for course and conduct of the civil war and maintenance of the regime nor on the other hand do I think we should withdraw all aid from China. Regardless of propaganda efforts respecting our role in China US has not assumed and cannot assume responsibilities which can be undertaken only by ChiGovt. Course advocated by you would in effect place upon us those very responsibilities which would make it virtually impossible for us to amend our course regardless of ChiGovt actions or of other circumstances. Once thus committed our freedom of action would be lost.
You evidently misunderstood meaning my 1436 Nov 2839 re Gen Barr’s position. His advice to Gimo is to be given at latter’s request on personal, informal and confidential basis. As was stated in my 1436 “I am however not willing that we should accept responsibility for Chinese strategic plans and operations.” His advice must not in any way imply US commitment to furnish military matériel for operations resulting from acceptance his advice. There is at present no legal authority by which US can furnish such military matériel [Page 14] except Chinese can make purchases from FLC of limited surplus stocks now available and from Amer manufacturers. The foregoing should be made immediately clear to all concerned.