125.6336/12–2348: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

2612. [To Mukden:] British Embassy Nanking yesterday telegraphed Governor General, Hong Kong, requesting him to transmit over special British facilities message to Communist radio station Shihchiachuang requesting Communists to transmit back to Hong Kong message from British ConGen Mukden regarding present welfare and status of American, French and British ConGens in Mukden. British Embassy expects that reply telegram from British ConGen Mukden will be plain language and will possibly be beginning of continuing exchange of telegrams until such time in future as CCP makes available normal telegraphic facilities to foreign consular offices in Mukden. Department will recall that Hong Kong telegram 267 to Department, repeated 213 Nanking, December 15, mentioned existence this radio contact with CCP for use in messages limited to business of UNCEF.70

Action Mukden. Please inform your British and French colleagues of above and concert with them as complete and informative messages you believe circumstances will permit. British Embassy requests that this operation be considered strictly confidential.

Sent Mukden 207; repeated Department and Hong Kong 102.

  1. United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund.