893.00/12–2848: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

1907. Shanghai tel 2891 December 26 repeated Nanking 2169 and urtel 2652 December 28. US Govt recognizes and continues extend aid Chi Govt accordance China Aid Act 1948. Promise aid, for which only existing legislative authority China Aid Act, to non-Comm successor govt for purpose, as indicated by Carsun Chang, of bringing about Gimo’s resignation would represent intervention in Chinese internal affairs which this Govt could not undertake. Questions raised by Chang are matters for Chinese decision and under no circumstances could US Govt place itself in position dictating or suggesting resignation head of friendly govt. Nor, in absence legislative authority, could US Govt commit itself to future aid program in hypothetical situation envisaged by Chang.

In your discretion and if you think advantageous US national interests, you may authorize ConGen Shanghai convey orally to Chang gist foregoing.83

  1. Telegram No. 15, January 4, 1949, 2 p. m., from the Ambassador in China, noted: “Unless you nave already done so, suggest that no good purpose will be achieved by conveying orally to Chang gist of Deptel sent Nanking 1907, repeated Shanghai 2280, December 30.” (893.00/12–448)