893.00/11–2248: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

2280. Following message was broadcast by New China News Agency of north Shensi on November 21:

“The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the following important statement on November 21 concerning the demand of the reactionary Nanking Kmt Government for military protection from the American Government:

“Chiang Kai-shek and the entire reactionary Kmt Government at Nanking are now striving to place their moribund rule under American [Page 599] military protection. To this end, the Kmt reactionary Government has written a letter in the name of Chiang Kai-shek to the American President Truman. At the same time, the Kmt Mayor of Shanghai, K. C. Wu, has in recent days held successive conferences with the Commander of US Naval Forces in the west Pacific, Badger,43 and the US Ambassador to Nanking, Leighton Stuart. It is reported that they have discussed a plan for American ‘protection’ of Shanghai.44 It is also reported among other things that the Kmt Government is planning to ask the American Armed Forces at Tsingtao to take over the Tsingtao municipal administration.

“The Communist Party of China firmly opposes any such traitorous actions on the part of the reactionary Kmt Government and furthermore firmly denies the legal validity of any such traitorous actions. As early as the first of February, 1947, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced that all traitorous diplomatic acts of the Kmt Government were null and void.

“The Kmt Government is even now about to fall. No aid to the Kmt Government by any foreign government, and no agreement between the Kmt Government and any foreign government, can either save the rule of the Kmt Goverment or protect the interests of the foreign government concerned. The only possible destiny of such aid or such agreements is obliteration together with the Kmt Government.

“The Communist Party of China holds that any military or economic aid to the Kmt Government by the Governments of the United States or other countries constitutes an act of hostility against the Chinese nation and the people of China, and should cease immediately. If the American Government should despatch its armed forces for either all-out or partial protection of the Kmt Government, this would constitute armed aggression against the sacred territory and sovereignty of China; all the consequences thereof would have to be borne by the American Government.

“The Communist Party of China, the people’s democratic governments of China’s liberated areas and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army are willing to establish equal friendly relations with all foreign countries including the United States of America and to protect the rightful interests of all nationals of foreign countries in China, including American nationals. But the integrity of China’s territory and sovereignty must be preserved without encroachments.

“We firmly and thoroughly oppose to the very end anything contrary to this solemn position. (Signed) Central Committee, Communist Party of China.”

Sent Department 2280. Department pouch Moscow.

  1. Vice Adm. Oscar C. Badger.
  2. For correspondence, see vol. viii , “Proposed International Police Farce”.