893.00/11–1748: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

Martel 146. Personal for Lovett from the Secretary. Re China and my recent interview with Ambassador Tsiang,15 he stated that [Page 581] “the most heartening thing that could be done at the moment would be a public announcement by the President or me that the US considers the combatting of communism in China and the Far East equally as important as combatting communism in Europe”. I notice some such reference in one of your reports of Chinese Government proposals. I also noted your résumé to Dr. Stuart reciting President’s previous remarks on communism in China,16 but is that not buried away too much in the past to be of any help in present crisis? I am in doubt as to advisability of statement but I would like to have it carefully reconsidered.

  1. See memorandum of November 13 by the Secretary of State of a conversation with the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Security Council (Tsiang), vol. viii , “U.S. Military Assistance to China” (Ch. II).
  2. Telegram No. 1608, November 12, 7 p. m., to the Ambassador in China, vol. viii , “U.S. Military Aid to China” (Ch. II).