The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 23.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose for the information of the Department the translated text of an extraordinary editorial which appeared in the November 4, 1948 issue of the Chung Yang Jih Pao.35 It would be an interesting and important editorial no matter where it appeared, but coming from the sacred holy of holies of the Party36 it is little less than amazing.
The argument, in brief, is that the nation and the Kuomintang revolution have been betrayed and plundered by a small group and that [Page 542] the Government does nothing to curb their greed in the interest of the people. It admits the disastrous military situation and says that the masses of the people live in fear and misery. Most interesting is the comment that even though Communist rebellion receives international stimulus, the Communists receive their principal power and stimulus by exploiting the defects which exist today in the Chinese social system. The paper concludes that the only solution to the Communist menace is to adopt those parts of the Communist program which contribute to social welfare. This must be accomplished even if it means destroying the minority which profits from the present situation. Only thus can the Government regain that confidence of the people which it has now lost.
Even though it does not refer to the Generalissimo by name, this strong statement can only be considered as an attack on him and his leadership. It is also a call to social revolution. It will be interesting to see whether there are repercussions from this editorial and whether it presages active political developments within the Party.
Respectfully yours,