893.00/10–248: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 2—6:10 a. m.]
1822. In contrast to National Government line that loss of Tsinan is regrettable incident but will have little bearing on final outcome of war (see Embtel 1808, September 3055), rebel broadcasts from north Shensi have been making great capital of this Communist victory.
September 25 broadcast claimed Tsinan campaign is only preliminary to cleaning out all Kmt56 troops from Shantung. Capture of Tsinan will completely link up two great liberated areas of east and north China. Elimination of this Kmt base “will enable People’s Liberation Army to become highly concentrated and mobile”. Capture of Tsinan facilitated by sagging morale and enfeebled combat power of Kmt garrison forces; aided by fact that CCP57 forces hold [Page 483] initiative; supported by broad masses of Shantung people who enjoy benefits of Communist agrarian reform and assisted by favorable nation-wide political situation.
September 26 broadcast announced Kmt lost 100,000 troops in Tsinan battle during 8 days of fighting. Broadcast also featured proclamation concerning military occupation policy. It announced protection of life and property for all in Tsinan, including foreign consulates and foreign nationals provided they abide by laws and commit no sabotage. Industrial and commercial concerns belonging to private capital will be protected while those operated by Nationalist Government will be taken over by CCP military government. Proclamation promised all personnel of Kmt provincial, municipal, county and lower government institutions that they will not be arrested unless they are arch criminals and it called upon all to continue their work and help establish order.
September 28 broadcast crowed over jittery Kmt attempts to suppress news of defeat. It pointed out how even when Tsinan was completely taken, Kmt Central News still bragged of fierce house-to-house fighting 2 days later. Broadcast added: “Kmt is in such a state that it has to resort to lies which may be effective for only 1 day to cushion great shock of Tsinan’s fall.”
September 29 broadcast featured congratulatory message from Central Committee of CCP to East China People’s Liberation Army. Significantly, this telegram stated that course of Tsinan campaign has “proved that People’s Liberation Army’s ability in storming positions has been greatly raised while influence of its victories has shaken ranks of Chiang Kai-shek’s reactionary troops. It is one of most serious blows dealt to Kmt in development of over 2 years’ revolutionary war”. Same broadcast announced formation of military control committee to “establish revolutionary order, protect life and property and guarantee social security”. Committee will cease to function as soon as social order is stabilized in Tsinan. Committee issued regulations for observance of all CCP military and government personnel entering city and enjoined them to protect life and property of all people and not to take “even needle or thread from them”. Proclamation stressed that no troops or institutions other than committee have right to arrest people except in cases of emergency when Kmt war criminals or saboteurs may be detained only long enough to be immediately handed over to judicial organs. Proclamation added that rights and customs of Moslems of Tsinan must be respected.
September 30 broadcast quoted General Su Yu, vice-commander of East China People’s Liberation Army, as saying, on eve of Tsinan campaign, that battle would be one of biggest conducted since outbreak of civil war. Su Yu added that CCP forces are fighting ever [Page 484] larger campaigns as their victories whittle down strength of Nationalists while strengthening People’s Liberation Army which today “not only far surpasses enemy in fighting quality but is overtaking enemy in numbers and technique”.
September 27 broadcast gloatingly claimed fall of strongly defended Tsinan “after only 8 days fighting came as stunning blow to Kmt reactionists and their American masters”. It crowed that Shantung has been liberated except for handful of Kmt strong points such as Tsingtao, Chefoo and Hotseh. Capture of most powerful strong point in Shantung has given Communist forces greater freedom of movement and places remaining Kmt troops in Shantung in precarious position. “Kmt troops on central plain south of Lunghai railway will also suffer heavier blows and liberation of all East China and central plain is now more imminent”. Broadcast concluded that “no Kmt city can now withstand attack of People’s Liberation Army”, pointing out that “Tsinan fell despite 100,000 troops holding it, despite US equipment, despite many lines of permanent defense works, despite material stored up for long siege, despite support of US supplied planes, despite large reenforcements in vicinity of Hsuchow promised by Chiang Kai-shek and despite command of Kmt’s much boasted General Wang Yao-wu”.
October 1st broadcast announced capture of Wang Yao-wu, Kmt commander at Tsinan.
Sent Department 1822, repeated Shanghai 890. Department pouch Moscow.