893.00/9–148: Telegram
The Consul at Mukden (Rinden) to the Secretary of State 83
[Received September 1—8:32 a. m.]
356. Recent information Communist areas: White Russian and wife who proceeded Harbin from Shanghai 1947 and succeeded escaping from Harbin August 21 report the following:
Common knowledge Harbin Communists with extensive Russian aid and supervision rushing completion Harbin-Dairen railway probably via Kirin, exact itinerary unknown to source. Russian Railway Employment Bureau [at] Harbin hiring as many Russians as possible for project at salaries substantially better than salaries generally paid Russians Harbin. Russian engineers and workmen being hired by same administration for other work, nature unknown to source, at Kirin.
Large number 4–wheeled olive drab Russian Ziss (phonetic spelling) trucks being delivered Harbin via rail. Source states he personally saw one train load such trucks and that friend with whom he lived, employed railroad, stated for past 3 months, perhaps longer, such shipments common. Opinion Russians Harbin these not for Communist Armies but being stored for possible emergency use Red Army. Trucks unloaded and driven unknown destination by Soviet Russian crews. Not seen on Harbin streets, where majority vehicles operate by charcoal.
Source states he observed substantial number incoming trains Harbin made up sealed boxcars, which railroad friends stated scheduled for unloading point beyond Harbin to east (reCondes 37, June 28 this general subject).
Russian woman acquaintance source stated upon return about August 5 from visit Aerhshan (120, 47.10) she saw “many, many” definitely Russian tanks grouped under camouflage several points along Aerhshan–Paichentze Railroad under custody Russian military [Page 444] personnel. No information ultimate purpose these tanks. Woman familiar Red Army equipment due Red occupation Manchuria.
Soviet Russian families coming Harbin, being lodged best houses, paid well, and substantial number Russian workmen coming Harbin ostensibly for railroad but suspected as of military origin. White Russian holders Soviet passports being discriminated against politically [and] economically. Arrest by Chinese police under orders Soviet Consulate not uncommon. Number forcible deportations Khabarovsk have occurred, one recently involving 17 men. Chinese Communist military police authorities working hand in glove with Russian re discipline Russians Harbin and atmosphere fear [and] suspicion pervades Russian community there.
Extensive export grain, fats to Soviet Union continue, to detriment Harbin food economy. Restrained inflation Harbin gaining momentum as result shortages, especially of flour and fats.
Recent labor congress Harbin marked by 2-week holiday featuring inter alia large pictures Stalin,84 Mao Tse-tung, anti-American (continue message OP 324) pantomimes in parks showing Americans: (1) giving gold to Japanese for reconstruction Japanese Army; (2) as imperialists shooting women and children and stopped by Communist Army, whom Americans shown begging for mercy on bended knees; (3) persons to whom southern Chinese bow and scrape while selling out China, in contrast to “anti-imperialist” north Chinese.
Source saw only three Russian officers full dress Harbin during past year, knows of only Japanese arms coming from Russia for Communists, saw no planes over Harbin past year, ignorant of existence army air field vicinity Harbin. Kosenkina affair85 played up Russian press Harbin as showing terrible lack freedom, etc., in U. S. High hopes built up Harbin for Wallace election.86
Three officers this post concur source appears probably reliable re tanks Aerhshan, believes story true but question numbers impossible assess. Dominant impression interview (1) almost feverish intensity with which Russians pushing construction Dairen–Kirin Railway for Dairen–Harbin communication; (2) general conviction Harbin Russian Soviets preparing rapidly in Manchuria and contiguous areas for war, and that war coming.
Source previously known Changchun Consulate escaped Changchun August 4 states he interviewed some length by Russian in Communist army officer uniform at points south of Changchun. This [Page 445] officer reported extremely fluent in Chinese and graduated Red Army officer language training. Appears story can be ascribed certain validity and is confirmatory of other reports to effect small number Russian personnel with Communists between Mukden [and] Changchun.
Sent Nanking, repeated Department 356. Department please pasa Nanking as 448 and Peiping as 191.
- Paraphrased copy transmitted to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union in Department’s instruction No. 141, September 9.↩
- Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin, Soviet Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union.↩
- Mrs. Oksana S. Kasenkina, teacher in the Soviet Consulate General at New York, jumped from a window there on August 12 to avoid returning to the Soviet Union; see Department of State Bulletin, August 29, 1948, pp. 251–262.↩
- Henry A. Wallace, Progressive Party candidate for President and former Vice President.↩