893.00/6–1548: Telegram
The Consul General at Mukden (Ward) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 16—7:11 a. m.]
258. Intense siege conditions reported presently prevailing Changchun. Communists attacking with 3 columns and 10 independent divisions reported to have penetrated outer defense lines in southwest suburb city where street fighting taking place. Artillery fire raised in intensity from about 100 rounds per day beginning June to 800 rounds per day until about 2 days ago, presently reduced to about 500 rounds per day. Main Communist forces to south and west of city attacking in small groups by day and larger groups by night. North [Page 304] Field, airstrip within city suitable for L–5 planes, and other strip within city suitable for limited transport operations unusable due artillery danger. Current Nationalist air dropping of supplies must be covered by fighter escort due to danger from AA27 fire. Rice and kaoliang prices soaring to about 5000 percent of prices Changchun 3 weeks ago and about 50% above prevalent high Mukden prices same commodities. Even tea [tree] leaves reputed commanding low price.
According ESD,28 NEBSH’s29 military confident ability hold city unless strong Communist columns between Mukden and Changchun thrown into battle. This NEBSH deems improbable due danger to Communist rear and main bases such as Liaoyuan if protective columns move north to Changchun. This would open way for Nationalist attacks Ssuping-Liaoyuan area to Mukden area.
On basis defense layout Changchun, present Communist breakthrough southwest suburb does not appear major threat yet. Communist appear searching for soft spot in defence for major breakthrough, in meantime attempting soften city by artillery fire. Lack major targets Changchun makes artillery campaign difficult though possibly of great psychological value and undoubtedly destructive of housing. Withdrawal of Nationalists to south impossible in view complete Communist blockade that route. Defending forces Changchun estimated total 40,000. [Backbone] this force is 38th Division New First Army. Other elements include 60th (Yunnanese) Army from Kirin, ex-Kirin local defense force and two divisions Changchun local troops. Defense from Mukden air support of unascertainable efficiency.
Attacking force estimated at 70,000. Believe city’s chances withstanding attack reasonably good if troop morale maintained. As in Changteh area, Communist supply problem will become more acute as attack continues.
Defending Generals Chen Tung-kuo and Li Hung considered very able. Nationalist supplies reported adequate for immediate future.
Sent Nanking 333, repeated Department 258.