893.00/6–748: Telegram
The Consul at Shanghai (Pilcher) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:21 a. m.]
1278. Vicious nationwide anti-American campaign attacking US policy in Japan, which was initiated in radical student centers some weeks ago, has gained in momentum during past 2 weeks. Movement is doubtless Communist inspired but is reportedly receiving Governmental factional support. Chinese press appears to be almost unanimously pushing movement in which certain prominent persons in business, industrial and educational circles have also joined. There is unquestionably a large body of Chinese public opinion being purposely misinformed on our Japanese program.
Consul General considers it of utmost importance to have factual material for use in refuting propaganda and urgently requests that it receive information on specific charges made in statement which was summarized in reference telegram.2 As you will appreciate, if Consul General is to make best use of material for purpose mentioned, it is essential that it be received within next few days.
Sent Tokyo 70, repeated Nanking 1027.
- Telegram No. 1273, June 7, from the Consul at Shanghai summarized “main points contained in statement signed recently by 288 local industrial, commercial and educational leaders in protest to U. S. Japan Aid program” (800 Japan, Lot F 79). A statement by the Acting U. S. Political Adviser for Japan (Sebald) “a specific rebuttal of the ‘protest’ referred to in Shanghai’s reference telegram” (No. 1273) was transmitted to the Department in his despatch No. 358, June 15 (800 Japan, Lot F 79).↩