893.00/5–2748: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

1187. ReConGen’s 767, May 6, 999 to Department; 1137, May 29 [21, to] Department,73 903 [to] Nanking; 928, May 25, 1165 to Department.74 Ultimate extent anti-American campaign in Shanghai universities, sparked at Shanghai student meeting Chiao Tung University May 20, so far uncertain. American Mission-owned St. John’s University has figured prominently in current movement and apparently is being utilized as center of activities because police have refrained in past from interfering in student trouble at that institution. School authorities expect climax will be reached 28th with student rally, in which students four other universities will join. Fearing tension may not have subsided by next week, faculty has decided cancel tentative plans reception on campus in my honor. American dean and staff St. John’s disturbed over fact Chinese professors have stimulated students by their overt criticisms American policies and feel President Tu has not wholeheartedly attempted dissuade students. (Tu candidly admitted to ConGen officer he believed Draper report75 is cause of current anti-American aspect of student agitation. [Page 261] His interpretation report is same as Ta Kung Pao which is intellectuals’ newspaper).

Poll of student opinion was recently held at all Shanghai universities on questions involving intent of American policy in Japan. St. John’s students sent results its poll to number Shanghai papers but with exception Soviet-owned Shih Tai Jih Pao Chinese language papers too wary to use material. St. John’s authorities unable state how poll conducted but felt confident showing of 90 percent unfavorable reaction American policy not truly representative positive student opinion. Following are questions on which student opinion was solicited:

Jap fascism has revived; do you think it will result in another Jap invasion of China?
Who are main supporters of revival Jap aggression? (a) True reactionaries? (b) Jap fascist leaders? (c) Enterprise of common Jap people?
What is American aim for supporting revival of Japan? (a) American self-interest aiming at seizure Far East markets? (b) True interest in Jap welfare? (c) Anti-Soviet move to check counter-move by USSR?
What do you think will be most effective move check revival Jap aggression? (a) To depend on fate and do nothing? (b) To organize people all over China for concerted action in opposing American imperialism and demand strong action by Government (Chinese)?

As can be seen, questions are heavily weighted and punch line is last question which calls for application force of Chinese public opinion on National Government to defeat American designs promote “self-interest” in Far East. There does not appear to be any doubt anti-Government forces behind this exceedingly adroit maneuver to reach public on issue upon which there is popular agreement; that interests of China are being sacrificed upon altar unilateral American policy in Japan which Chinese Government has done little to oppose. On face evidence is lacking of any behind scene manipulation by Government factions. It is believed that authorities, if so inclined, would be hesitant attempt forcible suppression of campaign for fear running risk public censure for interfering patriotic gesture of students.

One very well-informed and astute Chinese source contacted yesterday warned ConGen altho informed persons generally do cognize [recognize] current anti-American move in reality aimed at discrediting and embarrassing Government, there is danger this might mark first step in development attitude of suspicion and antagonism towards American policies such as characterized Chinese attitude toward British in past years. He strongly advised American Government make immediate effort check this development by arranging [Page 262] effective distribution and use factual material capable counteracting impressions made by current anti-American propaganda or prepare for future crystallization of serious anti-Americanism here.

With completely inadequate personnel and material at hand we are trying to get facts to public, especially students. Since Chinese press does not copy USIS76 handouts, and anything having US official stamp is considered suspect, we are seeking university groups who will disseminate our story in their own name to counteract organized groups subsidized by extreme left and extreme right interests. Central News Agency reports from Japan widely printed here continue to fan flame.

Sent Department 1187, pouched Nanking.

  1. Latter not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Maj. Gen. William H. Draper, Jr., Under Secretary of the Army, accompanied an Advisory Group under chairmanship of Percy H. Johnston (chairman of the Chemical Bank of New York) to Japan and Korea. On return from 3-week trip, he issued a public statement, the last paragraph of which read: “As an occupying power we have accepted a flag responsibility. We believe the United States can discharge this responsibility better, and end it earlier by concentrating on economic recovery and gradually reducing relief. Our group therefore recommends approval and implementation by our Government of the suggested recovery program at the earliest possible date.” Foreign Aid Appropriation Bill for 1949: Hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 80th Cong., 2d sess., pt. 2, p. 84.
  4. United States Information Service.