893.00/4–248: Telegram

The Consul General at Tsingtao (Turner) to the Secretary of State

52. Strong71 returned afternoon April 1 from trip 2 days at Tsinan, 1 day Weihsien. Report both cities and surrounding areas powerfully fortified and exhibiting desire defend strongly. US citizens, other foreigners returning to both cities but promising evacuate again before lost airfields render outside assistance unavailable. General Wang Yao-wu72 guarantees cooperation in assuring safely [safety?] all foreigners.

Following official dinner Wang in private talk replied quite frankly to questions asked by Strong concerning present and future military and political situation. He declared some hope for Central Government since rotten Kmt73 organization realizes in desperation that drastic cures required. US military equipment and supplies being voted by Congress will improve morale of soldiers. Capacity of Chinese to survive adversity worse than at present. He considers Manchurian situation very bad due defenders’ low morale. Is very much afraid US aid will be too late since next 6 months probably decisive. National generals North China will continue fight if Central Government collapses. With present force he can hold Tsinan perimeter.

Wang stated that although US aid badly needed, good government is primary requisite for success against Commies.

From conversation with Wang, Strong gained impression that he will remain loyal to Kmt Government until collapse or until it evidently impotent. However, at conclusion private conversation, Wang sent Lt. General Hsu Ching-yu, Secretary General of combined civil-military Party Headquarters Tsinan, to Strong’s quarters to deal further with question Wang’s plans event fall Central Government. Hsu states regime rotten. Collapse very likely. Generalissimo getting old, lacks drive, will not delegate authority though sees situation very bad, does not know younger capable men thus does not know anyone in whom to place trust outside present group surrounding him and Generalissimo will not retire as he should. He declared Wang plans stay Shantung and fight. Feels able hold Tsinan, Taian, [Page 181] Weihsien, Tsingtao, Chefoo, eventually whole province. Wang expects keep loyalty population with good government, develop strong militia, strengthen economy. Hsu asserted Wang will have support of liberals who are stirring as well as that of generals at Taian, Weihsien, Chefoo and Tsingtao who are with Wang in such plan and together with Fu Tso-yi74 may be able to save whole North China.

According to Hsu, should Government fall Wang will at once be able organize government. Will have nothing to do with Hong Kong grounds [groups] Revolutionary Committee of Kmt and Democratic League who lean to Commies too much. Wang is very anxious know how US will react his proposed regime and whether US could give him military aid. Feels Soviets aided Commies much more effectively than US aided Central Government. Hsu requested strong approach US forces Tsingtao re attitude and aid. Feels Generalissimo obliged leave present troops Tsinan since ordered city held all cost, thus will have effective force and US military equipment granted him will not fall into Commie hands.

See mytels 101, March 10; 90, March 3; 80 [87], February 26, and my despatch Nos. 23, March 20 and 16, March 4 to Nanking, copies of despatches to Department.75

John Abernathy, Baptist missionary Tsinan, who is official adviser to Wang, has been asked by Wang to delay US furlough several months though due leave May. This request considered by Abernathy and Strong very likely due Wang’s desire obtain advice not only for local government but also to deal with Americans should independent regime be necessary and to use him as link with US officials in China. Strong told Abernathy that if he decided remain he would be useful not only to Wang but probably to US.

Further details on Tsinan and Weihsien follow [in] despatch.76 Sent Embassy as 119, repeated Department as 52.

  1. Robert C. Strong, Consul at Tsingtao.
  2. Governor of Shantung and Commander of the Second War Area.
  3. Kuomintang (Nationalist Party).
  4. Commander in Chief of Bandit Suppression Forces of North China and Deputy Director of Generalissimo Chiang’s Headquarters at Peiping.
  5. None printed.
  6. No. 33, April 3, not printed.